
京之舞孃 - 夕樹舞子與你過性旦身連

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原帖由 donny16238 於 2008-11-17 09:59 PM 發表 查看引用來源

小心!:smile_38: 今期個時間表已經改了,每天只開兩場,8:30pm及10:00pm,星期六加開11:30pm。

How can you know that???
Oh, thank you so much,  K100k100  !

No day show, where will the girls go in the afternoon ? (part time in sauna ? )
part time in sauna,果間桑拿肯定爆晒棚:smile_13:

原帖由 donny16238 於 2008-11-17 09:59 PM 發表 查看引用來源

小心!:smile_38: 今期個時間表已經改了,每天只開兩場,8:30pm及10:00pm,星期六加開11:30pm。

How can you know that???
Yes, I also just realised today when I went there to watch the 8:30pm show.

Review to come later (busy preparing another business trip. Sigh)

But in short. The show was MUCH BETTER than the very very disappointed September show. In fact I was very impressed by this show.

Tux1 兄. 對於上個月的表演. 個人認為 d 女仔外型中上, (除了穿閃閃西裝外套那位不是我杯茶..) 但內容有點沈悶.
賽車女郎打後, 老實說, 小弟有點睡意的.

對了, Tux1 兄前陣子到日本是看表演嗎?看了那些 dancer, 她們的表演又如何呢?請跟我們分享一下!

原帖由 於 2008-11-18 09:59 PM 發表 查看引用來源
Tux1 兄. 對於上個月的表演. 個人認為 d 女仔外型中上, (除了穿閃閃西裝外套那位不是我杯茶..) 但內容有點沈悶.
賽車女郎打後, 老實說, 小弟有點睡意的.

對了, Tux1 兄前陣子到日本是看表演嗎?看 ...
"閃閃西裝"? which one? I remember two dancers wore suits during the cut sequence. I think both are ok, but I respect your opinion.

Personally I agree there were sequences that were a bit slow, but I actually liked the fast song sequence that was right after the racing queen, and also the 5th sequence (the one that used a song that had been translated to a popular chinese song from "Chau Wah Kin")

My Japan trip was a mess (if I knew things would turn out to be so bad I would not have even planned to go on this trip way back in September.) but at least I did go to watch shows from all of Rockza's theatres. Since you are asking, I will try to write a summary (I did take some notes) of what I felt about the Rockza shows in Japan. But I can only do it next week as I will be traveling on a business trip tomorrow.

原帖由 sexplayer 於 2008-11-11 12:26 AM 發表 查看引用來源
聽聞十二月再來, 早兩次表演好但唔夠放, 重要地方就住就住, 今次唔該放啲. :smile_46:

同場加映 : 水野美香, 京本かえで  ..... 唔錯唔錯 ! :smile_47:  
咁夕樹舞子即係有冇比个西  人睇

原帖由 lamchiming 於 2008-11-20 02:12 PM 發表 查看引用來源
咁夕樹舞子即係有冇比个西  人睇
有呀, 全部睇晒 ! 但係少左啲大開腳既 posts.
Rockza PR Manager 唔該講比佢知 :smile_15:  

原帖由 sexplayer 於 2008-11-17 10:35 PM 發表 查看引用來源

Oh, thank you so much,  K100k100  !

No day show, where will the girls go in the afternoon ? (part time in sauna ? )

I am a fan of 舞子, and I saw her 1st show in Macau.

However, 舞子 is a little bit old under the heavy make-up. I'd prefer Maria's show.

confirm she will come or not???

原帖由 donny16238 於 2008-11-23 12:03 AM 發表
confirm she will come or not???
For some reason, this time the rockza pr manager has not responded to my questions yet as I also want to know.

I will ask again.
