
Wiikey 1.9g beta update for galaxy...NEW!!!!

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Wiikey 1.9g beta update for galaxy...NEW!!!!

New beta from wiikey offical site on 01Nov.
Any one tried??????

[07.11.01] Wiikey update 1.9g (as in galaxy!) beta released!We are pleased to announce that BETA HOTFIX v1.9g of the Wiikey firmware is now available to download. Please note that this is a BETA HOTFIX released as an immediate response to feedback from users regarding SMG. It comes with absolutely no warranty or guarantees. Use it at your own risk! Feedback is welcome, but please send your message one time only. We can't reply to every message we get, but we do read all of them.

The Wiikey Team would like to thank all of those who sent in their messages of support over the last few days. Knowing that there are so many kind people out there has really made the whole thing worthwhile. Thanks! :-)

點用?:043: :043:


1. download the 1.9g zip file (4 files inside) and unzip it.
2. select the iso file for your region console. example: If you have a Japanese version, burn a DVD using the bootdisk.jap.iso file. See the readme.txt first.
3. insert the disk into your wii and follow the steps in the readme.txt

ok ga~ 我已經玩完第二個星球

Nero 用咩類型燒個iso檔

UP左1.9,都係玩唔到 係唔係流野黎?
我:日機 3.1
    WII KEY 1.9


之前dl 左隻mario galaxy 美版
而我部wii 係3.0J
想問可唔可以用strickblocker block左佢個update?
因為我聽呢度既用家講今次隻game係自動update, 好似同之前mario paper, mario party唔同..

唔係好sure...40 mb就咁燒落隻dvd度??:028: thx~!
