
[自seed] (Pearl)Bones 欲骨查 2008-10-08 (英/粵)[中字]

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(Pearl)Bones 欲骨查 2008-10-08 (英/粵)[中字]

[自seed](Pearl)Bones 欲骨查 2008-10-08 (英/粵)[中字]

原創  Paul (Camilloli) 師兄

【檔案大小】 : 258 MB
【影片格式】 : DivX
【發音語言】 : 粵語 / 英語
【字幕語言】 : 中文字幕
【格      式】 : 640 x 480

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8 Oct 2008        The Man With The Bone

Booth and Brennan enter the FBI morgue, where they find Medical Examiner Harry Tepper examining a corpse. The body, identified as Ted Macy, expired from accidental drowning. Booth quickly explains that he brought Brennan not to examine the body itself, but rather a finger bone found in Macy's hand.

In the lab Brennan uses radiocarbon dating to place the finger at 300 years of age. When Booth offers the location the bone was found, Assateague Island, Hodgins' interest is immediately piqued. Hodgins explains that Assateague Island, a federal seaside reserve, is where Blackbeard's legendary treasure is buried. Booth and Brennan travel to Assateague Island, home of the Hardewicke-Macy excavation. They interrupt an argument between Branson Rose and Giles Hardewicke. Rose, a billionaire funding the dig, wants to pull out of the project. Booth and Brennan explain they are with the FBI on assignment to investigate Macy's murder. Intrigued by what Macy could have found that was worth killing him for; Rose decides to continue funding the project...


今集Booth與Brennan調查一宗於Assateague Island發生的謀殺案件,案發現場乃是傳說中Blackbeard藏寶之處。他們由古驗屍官Harry Tepper口中,知道死者Ted Macy被發現意外淹死,而最離奇的,是他手中竟拿尠一節有三百年歷史的手指骨!到底那節三百年前的手指骨與Ted Macy的死亡有甚麼關係?


(Pearl) Bones 2008 10 08 [DivX].torrent
(Pearl) Bones 2008 10 08 [DivX].torrent
(Pearl) Bones 2008 10 08 [DivX].torrent
