
[自seed] (Pearl) 神探阿蒙 (VI) CH01 2008 09 17 [DivX] (英/粵)[中字]

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(Pearl) 神探阿蒙 (VI) CH01 2008 09 17 [DivX] (英/粵)[中字]

[自seed] (Pearl) 神探阿蒙 (VI) CH01 2008 09 17 [DivX] (英/粵)[中字]

原創 Paul (Camilloli) 師兄

【檔案大小】 : 249 MB
【影片格式】 : DivX
【發音語言】 : 粵語 / 英語
【字幕語言】 : 中文字幕
【格      式】 : 640 x 480

Picture Link

17 Sep 2008        Mr. Monk and his Biggest Fan

Monk's biggest fan, Marci maven, who's a nutty and intense as ever, is at home redesigning her Monk web site. Meanwhile, across the street, John Ringel returns home from a job and discovers his wife mauled to death by a small animal. Suspecting Marci's vicious dog, Otto, Ringel calls the police, who arrive at Marci's house to question her. But Marci insists it couldn't have been Otto. Otto is dead, and she shows them the dog's grave to prove it.

Marci wants Monk's help, but he refuses to talk to her, so Marci takes advantage of a police “bachelor auction” in which Monk is reluctantly participating. Marci attends the auction and gets her many by outbidding Natalie for Monk's services. With the money going to charity, Monk has no choice but to honor the results...

新一輯《神探阿蒙》回來了!今集故事講述John下班回家後,發現妻子被一小動物襲擊致死,懷疑「兇手」為鄰居Marci的小狗Otto。 Marci堅稱這事與Otto無關,因為Otto已死,她更領調查員到Otto的墓穴。原來Marci乃阿蒙的超級粉絲,她要求阿蒙協助案件但遭拒絕。其 後,Marci透過慈善拍賣逼使阿蒙無奈參與調查。眾人到達Marci的家搜查線索,發現她對阿蒙的沉迷程度簡直令人咋舌……

(Pearl) 神探阿蒙 (VI) CH01 2008 09 17 [DivX].torrent
(Pearl) 神探阿蒙 (VI) CH01 2008 09 17 [DivX].torrent
(Pearl) 神探阿蒙 (VI) CH01 2008 09 17 [DivX].torrent
