
[自seed] (Pearl) 手袋黨 Cashmere Mafia CH02 2008-10-16 [DivX] (英/粵)[中字][DivX]

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(Pearl) 手袋黨 Cashmere Mafia CH02 2008-10-16 [DivX] (英/粵)[中字][DivX]

[自seed](Pearl) 手袋黨 Cashmere Mafia CH02 2008-10-16 [DivX] (英/粵)[中字][DivX]

原創  Paul (Camilloli) 師兄

【檔案大小】 : 256 MB
【影片格式】 : DivX
【發音語言】 : 粵語 / 英語
【字幕語言】 : 中文字幕
【格      式】 : 640 x 480

Picture Link

16 Oct 2008        Conference Call

As Mia steels herself for the demands of her high pressure job at Barnstead Media, Zoe sees a challenge to her parental authority in Victoria, a beautiful and wealthy stay-at-home mom and self-appointed queen bee at the prestigious Willcroft School. And while Caitlin does her best to summon the courage to move forward in her budding same-sex relationship with ad agency executive Alicia Lawson, marriage counseling sessions reveal the depth of Juliet's anger over husband Davis's infidelity. So when they hear that Davis is blaming their failing marriage on her, Juliet's friends encourage her to start dating their recently-divorced business school classmate, Bobby Walsh. Meanwhile, Mia is stunned to find that her first order of business is to fire her mentor and longtime friend, Grant Normandy...

三名「手袋黨」成員再次出動!Mia在雜誌社的工作面臨極大的壓力,她升職成為出版集團的新任社長後,首要任務竟是要辭去與她亦師亦友的 Normandy。工作忙碌的Zoe無法如兒子所願陪同出席學校的活動,使她作為母親的地位備受挑戰。而Juliet則為了丈夫Davis對婚姻不忠感到 十分憤怒。

當Juliet和朋友們得悉Davis把婚姻失敗的理由都推到Juliet身上時,朋友們便鼓勵她與一名剛離婚的同學Bobby發展; Juilet坦言暫時一切安好,不需要一眾好友的安排。為了停止眾人追問,Juilet透露約會的是女性,豈料反而勾起她們對其性別突然轉換的求知慾,弄 得Juilet哭笑不得。

劇情講述四名「常春藤」名校畢業的曼克頓女強人,Mia、Zoe、Juliet和Caitlin,事業上都得到毋庸置疑的成功,擁有別人夢寐以求 的生活,但卻要面對職場上的勾心鬥角,又要應付層出不窮的家庭和感情問題。四人的友誼與互相支持,讓她們得以輕鬆上路,度過一個又一個的難關,特別容易引 發職場女性的共鳴。

(Pearl) Cashmere Mafia CH02  2008-10-16 [DivX].torrent
(Pearl) Cashmere Mafia CH02  2008-10-16 [DivX].torrent
(Pearl) Cashmere Mafia CH02  2008-10-16 [DivX].torrent
