
十年之愛是全奉獻 更新part 2

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原帖由 SexDevil 於 2018-11-5 07:27 PM 發表 查看引用來源


原帖由 crazyjulysunny 於 2018-11-5 01:15 PM 發表 查看引用來源

但有時 愛都唔一定要 一齊 , 等到男講一句感謝說話其實已經夠

我早兩日問他點解唔要女友老婆,他只答我:「why not?!」。我問你唔想有人錫你咩,他答我:「no also ok」。我隱隱作痛,其實他都一樣唔需要我的愛,他唔肯同我講呢類問題,會話busy 就唔再回覆。10年裡面我問過幾次,都係甘上下反應。其實我唔知道他心裡面係咩想法

原帖由 little_princess 於 2018-11-5 01:47 AM 發表 查看引用來源

This kind of relationship is built on trust. I always tell him that I can do anything he wants in sex, cos I know he must hv thought of the consequences (my safety, my feelings, etc) before asking ...
so great that you both care each other's feeling so much!
not easy to find a soulmate like this
so actually is it possible for you both develop into formal gf/bf or even get married?

原帖由 fortuneteller18 於 2018-11-5 11:57 PM 發表 查看引用來源

so great that you both care each other's feeling so much!
not easy to find a soulmate like this
so actually is it possible for you both develop into formal gf/bf or even get married?
Many years ago I requested to be his girlfriend, but he rejected me. He said he doesn't want gf/wife. I donno the reason behind. Up to now he is still single. We will never have a formal relationship in the future. This is all I can have in the past , present  and future. And I hv no right to ask for more now. I just hope I can have him like this forever. 

原帖由 little_princess 於 2018-11-6 12:54 AM 發表 查看引用來源

Many years ago I requested to be his girlfriend, but he rejected me. He said he doesn't want gf/wife. I donno the reason behind. Up to now he is still single. We will never have a formal relations ...
I see. There must be some reasons behind however as long as you are okay with the current status then it is fine and no need force him to make decision or explain.

btw may i ask how old you are ? i think we should be of similar age. I am 30 now.

原帖由 fortuneteller18 於 2018-11-6 01:47 AM 發表 查看引用來源

I see. There must be some reasons behind however as long as you are okay with the current status then it is fine and no need force him to make decision or explain.

btw may i ask how old you are  ...
I m older than you. I m in my early 30s now. I m no longer as young and as beautiful as I was. Time can tell on my face.

Although knowing the reason behind doesn't help to improve the relationship anymore , I m still so curious to know. Or maybe there is no reason. He just loves me generally but not deep enough to break his rules. Indeed He has never confessed that he loves me. I trust my feelings that he loves me only. 

原帖由 little_princess 於 2018-11-5 08:47 PM 發表 查看引用來源

天生可以係冇錯, 不過要有你信得過既人先得

原帖由 SexDevil 於 2018-11-6 03:57 AM 發表 查看引用來源

天生可以係冇錯, 不過要有你信得過既人先得
咩training 都無,就係插條串珠一陣先真做。有ky....其實用ky 就唔會痛啦。

我信HB ...他要咩我都比(他唔會要求fisting 3p掛,哈哈)

原帖由 little_princess 於 2018-11-5 09:41 PM 發表 查看引用來源


我早兩日問他點解唔要女友老婆,他只答我:「why not?!」。我問你唔想有人錫你咩,他答我:「no also ok」。我隱隱作痛,其實他都一樣唔需要我的愛,他唔肯同我講呢類問題,會話busy 就唔再回覆。10年裡面我問過幾次,都係甘上下反應。其實我唔知道他心裡面係咩想法 ...
你都要為自己打算下 。 女人青春有限 。
你有冇試過失幾日唔搵佢 ? 
平時你主動搵佢嗎 ? 

原帖由 little_princess 於 2018-11-6 03:50 AM 發表 查看引用來源

I m older than you. I m in my early 30s now. I m no longer as young and as beautiful as I was. Time can tell on my face.

Although knowing the reason behind doesn't help to improve the relations ...
For your information, this health food (not medicine) can help create collagen in the skin
http://lj.hkej.com/lj2017/blog/a ... A%E4%B9%8B%E9%81%93
I take this health food every day and it is not expensive

I believe that having a mature mind full of knowledge, wisdom and experience contribute to the beauty instead of the appearance. Most of my ex-gf and partners are elder than me and i love chatting with them and listen to their life experience. I had three partners who were elder than me for around 15 years. They are more relaxing to the relationship and wont demand much and enjoy 隨緣's feeling more.

Time will tell you the answer. If you will tell you, he will tell you. Men sometimes would confess/admit suddenly when the 當下 mood is right.
