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原帖由 licklickson 於 9/11/2021 12:44 發表 查看引用來源

回覆 411# star_platina 的帖子


原帖由 licklickson 於 9/11/2021 16:00 發表 查看引用來源

回覆 413# star_platina 的帖子


原帖由 licklickson 於 9/11/2021 16:15 發表 查看引用來源

回覆 415# star_platina 的帖子


原帖由 star_platina 於 9-11-2021 10:17 發表 查看引用來源

Haha, ain't that good fun huh? I had a similar experience in Manila that time, we booked our flight to Orlando through PHP airlines as the whole interchange trip was much cheaper, so we had to fly t ...
Totally agree! for sure it takes one with similar exp to understand another. the fun n excitement cannot be explained in words. having company on long trips are always a good relief, punt intended. lol
then again, one of my hobbies have been picking up air stewardess' during my flight. not necessarily aiming for happy ending but a very entertaining way to kill 12+ hr flights. lol
i miss the good old days where security wasnt as tight, mobile phone cameras weren't so common. can do so much more.
did you manage to get round 2 at the dallas airport?

原帖由 cx829 於 9/11/2021 16:27 發表 查看引用來源

Totally agree! for sure it takes one with similar exp to understand another. the fun n excitement cannot be explained in words. having company on long trips are always a good relief, punt intended. l ...
I must say it's good to have someone who speaks the same language as me in this sense, otherwise these kind of little stories got no-one else to enjoy.

One of the fun way is to find a Chinese, or oriental air hostess and chat with her for a bit until she gets familiar with me, then the next step is to past the mobile phone to her as we chat and majority of the time they will key in their real mobile number for some reason and when you call them, they will be very surprised about why they give their number to a total stranger like me. Then again, I don't intend to ask them out as getting a good time is not as easy. 😬

原帖由 licklickson 於 9/11/2021 16:23 發表 查看引用來源

原帖由 star_platina 於 9-11-2021 16:35 發表 查看引用來源

I must say it's good to have someone who speaks the same language as me in this sense, otherwise these kind of little stories got no-one else to enjoy.

One of the fun way is to find a Chinese, or o ...
agreed. I only pick up asian stewardess. just never been into Caucasians.
I am one of those idiots that get their numbers n never call back. not that i dont find them unattractive. it's just that there's too much effort involved. for me, they've served their purpose of entertaining me during the trip n i'm ok with that. speaking of which, there was that one exception where I happened to stay at the same hotel as the stewardess that I was chatting up. I didn't exactly call either, but let's just say there was a follow up session after the flight.

chatting them up is an art. seat location wins half the battles
I swear, one of these days I have to find my way into the mile high club. it's always an itch i've been wanting to scratch.
