
[教學] Anyone can help for a beginner - me

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Anyone can help for a beginner - me

Hi hi,

I am new to this platform and know less for computer.  I see the Hentai AV reccommendation but can't download the AVI file after kicking the link; the file return in torrent format just very small in size.  Do I need to do some more steps to get the real AV file.

Sorry for my green knowledge in computer

I'm also a new member!maybe I can help u about your question!

有2個選墿, (1)利用BT在你下載了的torrent double click!到達一些代存放的免費網上寄存空間看有沒有torrent,有些網站會要求你在指定空格內輸入代碼加等待約30-60秒,便看見你要下載的文件,按下download this file 等字便ok!!:smile_53:

Thank you very much for your help!  I really appreciated.
Actually, I came across what you said in the past.  Now, I discovered all of the new upload files have been changed to another way for download.  I have gone through the double-kick linkage and those codes.  In the past, there will be a file download afterwards but now the file available for download is small and not any AVI files.  It's in the form of torrent and when I opened them, they look like some word format file only.  Looks like they are some kind of instruction (of course I couldn't read those UFO words).  Anyway, thanks for your update and information!!
