
[轉貼] [2006-05-09]Nick Lachey-What's Left of Me[wav@402M@CT]

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[2006-05-09]Nick Lachey-What's Left of Me[wav@402M@CT]

藝人:        Nick Lachey
語種:        英語
唱片公司:        Jive/Zomba
發行時間:        2006年05月09日
專輯類別:        錄音室專輯
專輯風格:        流行舞曲 Dance-Pop, 成人時代 Adult Contemporary

by Stephen Thomas Erlewine
Gossip hounds hoping that Nick Lachey's first post-divorce album would be laden with songs about his doomed marriage to
Jessica Simpson
will be pleased -- scratch that, delighted -- with What's Left of Me. If the album title doesn't clue you in to what it's all about, a glance at the song titles tip off its content: "I Can't Hate You Anymore," "On Your Own," "Outside Looking In," "Everywhere But Here," "Ghosts," "You're Not Alone," "Resolution" -- it's a virtual greatest-hits of brokenhearted laments, all sequenced as if it were a concept album about a man coming to terms with a painful divorce. To top it off, the centerfold photo finds Lachey sprawled out on a mattress in a grungy trailer, a stack of worn books, a TV with rabbit ears, and an empty beer bottle within reach, all bearing the unmistakable subtext that this is what the separation from
has left him with (he also offers the following thanks: "most importantly, Miller Brewing...thank you!" -- but don't get ahead of yourself and think that this is a nod of gratitude to the beverages that got him through this difficult time; it's part of an extended thank you to "all of my friends who help to satisfy my sports addiction," which takes up as much space as his business, family, and fans thanks). So, this second album from the former
star provides plenty of voyeuristic satisfaction, as each song -- whether it's written by Lachey or not (and chances are, it is, since he has writing credits on eight of the 12 songs) -- plays into the theme, which makes it kind of like the boy band
Blood on the Tracks
. And while it's hard not to have sympathy for a guy whose sexpot ex allegedly cuckolded him through her affairs with Johnny Knoxville and Bam Margera (it's possible to imagine a more humiliating list of lovers for Lachey, but even if you added anyone from Wilmer Valderhama to Artie Lange to that list, it wouldn't seem as bullying, as violent as that pair; it's practically a Jackass stunt), it's sure hard not to wish What's Left of Me was a whole lot better. ...

相信妳還記得98度團員們征服金門大橋、真摯詮釋流暢輕快的“Because Of You”;全美婚禮最愛抒情經典“I Do (Cherish You)”的感動始終停駐在心中;…如今,Nick Lachey從千萬歌迷的大聲尖叫歡呼、瘋狂簇擁中沈澱,祭出首張個人大碟「SoulO」,從容迎接音樂生涯最大的挑戰。新輯展現了Nick Lachey對於以靈魂樂為基調的熱情,處處充滿教人驚喜的新鮮感覺;而豐富的編曲更給了他流暢的聲線和動人的旋律最寬廣的揮灑空間。
  與成功打造艾薇兒的制作組合The Matrix共同合作的首發單曲 “Shut Up”,以小號、貝斯與靈活有勁的吉他築構了性感的韻律節奏,向愛好舞曲的樂迷招手示好,風靡舞吧指日可待!和Robbie Williams幕後制作大將Guy Chambers合力譜寫制作的“Carry On”,有著咨意的節奏、昂揚的吉他以及勵誌的歌詞,絕對讓樂迷精神壹振。R&B佳作“Edge Of Eternity”是Nick Lachey寫給妻子-女歌手Jessica Simpson的結婚禮物,將小倆口新婚生活搬上屏幕的「Newlyweds」目前在全美正掀起收視熱潮;為天後Celine Dion、Mariah Carey打造多首排抒情行金曲的名制作人Water Afanasieff,貢獻了深情款款的“You’re The Only Place”;情歌佳筆“This I Swear”勢必喚起樂迷對98度招牌抒情曲的美麗回憶!


1. What's Left Of Me
2. I Can't Hate You Anymore
3. On Your Own
4. Outside Looking In
5. Shades Of Blue
6. Beautiful
7. Everywhere But Here
8. I Do It For You
9. Run To Me
10. Ghosts
11. You're Not Alone
12. Resolution
14.Because i told you so


