
[轉貼] [2010-11-26]Duffy-Endlessly[wav@260M@CT]

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藝人:        Duffy
語種:        英語
唱片公司:        A&M
發行時間:        2010年11月26日
專輯類別:        錄音室專輯
專輯風格:        白人靈魂樂 Blue Eyed Soul, 流行靈魂樂 Pop Soul, 歐美流行 Western Pop

葛萊美獎與全英音樂獎喝采的白人復古靈魂樂女伶,力邀美國流行音樂教父Albert Hammond聯手制作,傳媒公認嘻哈界最佳現場演出樂團The Roots獻藝伴奏
*閃動復古放克神采首支單曲“Well Well Well”創造YouTube近150萬次瀏覽點播


Duffy以出道大碟『Rockferry』連創“Mercy”[#1]、“Warwick Avenue”[#3]等4首英國金榜TOP40暢銷曲,不僅風靡歐陸,就連在美國的人氣都紅不讓,她受邀出席葛萊美獎,威爾斯還以她的藝名為壹種黃色水仙花命名。瞬間成為人氣歌手之後,Duffy曾壹度浮現放棄做第2張專輯的念頭,她說:「我想過遠離樂壇,我真的這樣想過,倒不是因為我心想『我做到了!』,我只是想念人生中的簡單事物。」正當Duffy猶豫不決的時候,美國流行音樂教父Albert Hammond(*入列美國詞曲創作家名人殿堂,譜寫過“When I Need You”、“Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now”等暢銷金曲)的壹通電話,扭轉了Duffy的想法。Albert在綜藝節目「周末夜現場」中看過Duffy演唱"Stepping Stone"之後,對Duffy深具黑人靈魂神韻的特殊嗓音驚艷不已,於是,他打了壹通電話,尋求與Duffy合作的可能性。雙方從Albert手邊現有的作品"Don't Forsake Me"中激起創作火花,隨後陸續在洛杉磯、西班牙、倫敦等地展開音樂創作;創作過程中,Duffy有壹回看見嘻哈傳奇樂團The Roots在電視上的演唱,她非常喜歡The Roots的現場風格,於是在淩晨兩點打電話給The Roots以及Island Def Jam音樂集團老板L.A. Reid,在L.A. Reid的安排下,The Roots成為Duffy新專輯的伴奏樂團。

在新作【Endlessly】中,Duffy希望藉由The Roots那份自發性的音樂伴奏活力,取代時下過於仰賴先進科技錄音器材的機械化聽覺,同時也力求為自己的懷舊靈魂唱腔創造出更多樣化的歌唱空間,因此,專輯裏不僅有不插電風格,也有中快板復古流行樂、流行舞曲,當然也有媲美“Mercy”、“Warwick Avenue”震撼人心的弦樂與銅管樂烘托。專輯首先穿入腦海的就是壹首顫動人心的活力舞曲“My Boy”,接著是痛徹心扉的傷情歌“Too Hurt To Dance”,迪斯可靈魂樂輕快小品“Keeping My Baby”,閃動復古放克神采的首支單曲“Well Well Well”,赤裸告白自我人生的“Don't Forsake Me”,在吉他陪伴下吐露愛情渴望的“Endlessly”,有著怦然心動銅管樂相伴的“Breath Away”,令人臉紅心跳的動感勁歌“Lovestruck”,融合60年代黑白電影與法國新浪潮影像感的愉悅小品“Girl”,迷情氛圍結束曲“Hard For The Heart”,不管是快歌,還是慢歌,都有著壹份引人入勝的聽覺吸引力。The Roots的現場伴奏讓Duffy的歌聲更顯清晰,也更貼近聽者心情,而Duffy與Albert Hammond宛如穿越時空壹般,將1960、70年代的流行音樂風情帶到21世紀的現代,更讓人折服於這個跨越世代的流行音樂合作。
“Track By Track”為Duffy對整張專輯歌曲的REVIEW不是歌曲,非完美320。
Endlessly is the second studio album by Welsh singer-songwriter Duffy. It was released in the United Kingdom on 26 November 2010 by A&M Records (under Polydor) and in the United States on 7 December 2010 by Mercury Records. Duffy worked almost exclusively with Albert Hammond Snr. on the album, with all but one of the album's songs being written by Hammond and Duffy. Four of the songs received additional or co-production by Stuart Price. Music is also provided by The Roots and Questlove. Musically, the album follows the soul stylings of her first album Rockferry (2008), although Duffy drew inspiration from a variety of other genres, including disco and soft rock, and was compared to pop singers like Kylie Minogue. It has been said that Duffy wrote the album in three weeks, although recording sessions lasted between 2009 and 2010.
The album received mixed reviews, with critics stating that Duffy faltered outside of her comfort zone, although it was called a "proper sophomore effort" and "Effortlessly", and was often compared to Rockferry, in terms of both commercial and critical performance. Vocally, Duffy's falsetto and vibrato were both criticised and praised, being called "delicious to some and cloying to others." Commercially, it did not replicate Duffy's success with her debut, reaching just number seventy-two on the US Billboard 200. Nevertheless, Endlessly reached the top ten in Denmark, Finland, Greece, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. It has been certified gold in four European countries thus far, including the United Kingdom.
The only single from Endlessly, titled "Well, Well, Well", did not perform well on national charts, and was only a modest European success, reaching a peak of thirty-seven on the European Hot 100 Singles chart and number forty-one in the UK. The single features a rhythm section by United States hip hop group The Roots. Duffy promoted the album extensively throughout the world, performing on many television shows and conducting an array of print interviews. A live extended play (EP) of songs from the album was released in Germany in 2011 and plans for a concert tour are listed as "coming soon" on Duffy's website. However, since releasing the album, it has been announced that Duffy is taking an extended break from the music industry to work on her third studio album, and the planned second single from Endlessly – "My Boy" – was cancelled, though a single mix of the title track was digitally released.


01. My Boy 3:27
02. Too Hurt To Dance 3:15
03. Keeping My Baby 2:49
04. Well, Well, Well 2:43
05. Don't Forsake Me 4:01
06. Endlessly 2:58
07. Breath Away 4:12
08. Lovestruck 2:52
09. Girl 2:26
10. Hard For The Heart 4:57



