
[轉貼] [2014-08-29]Maroon 5-Ⅴ[WAV@303M@CT]

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[2014-08-29]Maroon 5-Ⅴ[WAV@303M@CT]

藝人:        Maroon 5
語種:        英語
唱片公司:        Interscope Records
發行時間:        2014年08月29日
專輯類別:        錄音室專輯
專輯風格:        流行搖滾 Pop Rock, 歐美流行 Western Pop

*美國iTunes預購專輯榜冠軍 葛萊美獎搖滾天團2014全新大碟*
*特別收錄Gwen Stefani對唱情歌"My Heart Is Open"*
*豪華盤超值加收電影「Begin Again/樂是唯壹」主題曲"Lost Stars",與翻唱搖滾樂團Marcy Playground暢銷曲"Sex And Candy"等3首歌曲*

【V】是羅馬數字的「五」,也是代表勝利Victory的字母“V”,這張名為【V】的全新大碟,不僅是Maroon “5”生涯的第「五」張專輯,更見證了他們在流行樂壇的空前勝利!累積全球1700萬張專輯與3000萬張數位單曲銷售,來自35國的白金唱片與金唱片銷售認證,4座青少年直選大獎、4座告示牌音樂獎、3座葛萊美獎、3座全美音樂獎,更以專輯【Hands All Over】中的18國冠軍大作"Moves Like Jagger"達到了最高峰,1500萬張天量銷售成為他們生涯最成功的單曲!睽違三年,全球引頸企盼的2014全新第5張大碟【V】,預購直沖美國iTunes專輯榜冠軍,樂壇最強大的搖滾魔力Maroon 5正式回歸!
來自美國加州的Maroon 5樂團以獨特的搖滾與節奏藍調混搭流行風嶄露頭角,隨後又融入放克、靈魂樂、嘻哈、時尚舞曲等類型音樂元素,引領流行音樂時尚,出道以來的『Songs About Jane』(#6)、『It Won’t Be Soon Before Long』(#冠軍)、『Hands All Over』(#亞軍)、『Overexposed』(#亞軍)等4張專輯全都進駐全美流行專輯榜TOP 10之列,打造12首全美熱門單曲榜TOP 40暢銷曲,其中包括:狂賣1500萬張、蟬連18國冠軍大作"Moves Like Jagger",9周冠軍曲"One More Night",3周冠軍曲"Makes Me Wonder",亞軍曲"Payphone",TOP 5成名曲"This Love"、"She Will Be Loved"…等。Maroon 5在2013年展開的「The Overexposed Tour世界巡回演唱會」締造超過5000萬美金的票房紀錄。
第5張大碟【V】是創始鍵盤手Jesse Carmichael告別樂團兩年之後的重新回歸,與身兼熱門歌唱選秀節目「The Voice美國好聲音」評審的性感型男主唱Adam Levine、吉他手James Valentine、貝斯手Mickey Madden、鼓手/打擊樂器手Matt Flynn、鍵盤手PJ Morton攜手延續創下4首TOP 10單曲的『Overexposed』專輯的超強人氣。全新專輯【V】延攬Benny Blanco(*Katy Perry)、Max Martin(*Britney Spears)、Ryan Tedder(*Adele)、Sam Martin(*Maroon 5暢銷曲"Daylight")、Shellback(*Taylor Swift)、Noel Zancanella(*Ellie Goulding)等暢銷金曲制作陣容共同打造,專輯的首支單曲"Maps"在流行搖滾的迷人旋律中融入雷鬼音樂節奏,單曲壹路直沖全美熱門單曲榜與流行單曲榜第6名。專輯的魔力勁歌還有散發宛如全英音樂獎名團Soul II Soul節奏藍調與嘻哈神采的"Animals";精彩把玩Michael Jackson動感節奏,迪斯科與葛萊美潮團Daft Punk電音律動感的亢奮舞曲"Feelings";Adam Levin與不要懷疑女主唱Gwen Stefani對唱的浪漫情歌"My Heart Is Open";回歸樂團首張專輯時期的甜蜜與心酸交織的感傷小品"Leaving California"。
【V】專輯捕捉了Maroon 5樂團出道早期的真情風采,同時也呈現近來叱咤排行的流行魅力,還有樂團在歌曲創作上的成長,這些特質將帶領樂迷走進Maroon 5搖滾旅程的全新篇章!豪華盤也超值加收電影「Begin Again/樂是唯壹」主題曲"Lost Stars",與翻唱搖滾樂團Marcy Playground暢銷曲"Sex And Candy"等3首歌曲。

“Ⅴ” is the forthcoming fifth studio album from American pop rock band Maroon 5. It is set to be released on September 2, 2014, by Interscope Records.

It comes preceded by the lead single “Maps“,which was released on June 16th. In addition, the band also signed a worldwide tour deal with Live Nation with tour dates to be announced in the coming weeks.

Recorded in LA over the past year with producers Max Martin, Benny Blanco, Ryan Tedder, Shellback and Sam Martin, V reunites Maroon 5 with long-time keyboardist Jesse Carmichael who took a hiatus while the band recorded 2012′s ‘Overexposed‘.

After the premiere of the new single and during the band’s interview with Ryan Seacrest, Adam confirmed a rumor that has been going around about the album. He confirmed that Gwen Stefani makes an appearance on it. He said: “How do you know everything already?” he jokingly asked Ryan after some stammering. “I wanted it to be a surprise, but she is.”
The album’s artwork will be revealed through different pieces of puzzle released in different web pages. The first was unveiled on Billboard on Thursday 17 July. The second puzzle piece was unveiled on Mashable on July 18th. The third piece was unveiled on the band’s Facebook page on July 19th. The full artwork and the tracklist was unveiled on the band’s Facebook on Monday July 21st.

The band plans to release the track “It Was Always You” alongside the pre-order of the album on iTunes on July 29th.


01. Maps
02. Animals
03. It Was Always You
04. Unkiss Me
05. Sugar
06. Leaving California
07. In Your Pocket
08. New Love
09. Coming Back for You
10. Feelings
11. My Heart Is Open (Feat. Gwen Stefani)


