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$0.02/$0.05 No-Limit Hold'em (8 handed)

Known players:
Preflop: Hero is MP3 with J:d, A:c.
Hero posts deadblind, UTG2 raises to $0.15, 2 folds, Hero calls $0.10, 3 folds, BB calls $0.10.

Flop: ($0.47) A:d, T:c, 8:h (3 players)
BB checks, UTG2 bets $0.47, Hero calls $0.47, BB folds.

Turn: ($1.41) K:s (2 players)
UTG2 bets $0.35, Hero raises to $0.38(All-In)
, UTG2 calls $0.03.

River: ($2.17) 8:c (2 players)

Final Pot: $2.17.
Results follow (highlight to see):
UTG2 shows two pairs, aces and tens (Ah Th)

Hero shows two pairs, aces and eights (Jd Ac)

UTG2 wins with two pairs, aces and tens (Ah Th).


$0.02/$0.05 No-Limit Hold'em (9 handed)

Known players:
Preflop: Hero is MP1 with A:s, T:d.
2 folds, Hero raises to $0.1, 3 folds, BU calls $0.10, 2 folds.

Flop: ($0.27) 9:h, 5:h, 3:s (2 players)
Hero bets $0.10, BU calls $0.10.

Turn: ($0.47) K:s (2 players)
Hero checks, BU checks.

River: ($0.47) A:d (2 players)
Hero bets $0.40, BU calls $0.40.

Final Pot: $1.27.
Results follow (highlight to see):
Hero shows a pair of aces (As Td)

BU shows a pair of aces (Jc Ah)

BU wins with a pair of aces (Jc Ah).

一開波玩左四鋪,就輸左我兩個BUY IN,玩到我想吐血

GAME 1 - UTG 2 早就知你有 strong Ace, AQ AJ offsuit, 但係唔係 AK (係的話你 flop 可能已經 raise 番佢). Turn bet 佢見你 short stack 已經擺明係當自己贏左黎玩. 呢局牌問題冇得好講...

GAME 2 - 你 preflop bet 2BB 太保守, BU 有成 150BB 在手, 渣乜都可以 call. 你 turn check 停左手其實已經投降當輸. 可能你估 BU 渣 98 / KQ / KJ?


game 1: 有頂對 (top pair)如果我只係搭隻三四五我可能會fold,但我係搭隻j嘛,下次有咁既case我想我可能都會call,呢個係short stake既策略,就算對手係flop bet都好,為左保護pair a,一定會call,如果俾你shortstake你會唔會反手加注?

game 2: 我preflop bet 2BB呢個係經驗調節出黎,bet 4 BB可能會全fold你只能win 1BB,我都係想拖多D玩家落pot姐,況且對方係AJ,就算我allin佢都一定會call你都話BU有150BB係手又拿住AJ你話會唔會call?
你話我turn check停左手當投降,我都諗左好耐,BU可以睇住我決定黎玩,我果刻真係諗如果佢拿住K而佢係turn bet我既話我可能已經fold左,仲輸少d,但都仲係好被動,最後佢check埋,係river度出隻A,係呢個時候如果你渣AT Top pair你會唔會剩係check咁保守!!除非我手渣A2/4/6我就會check但唔係嘛,俾你會唔會check?
据策略,AJ / AT 係中等牌,除非坐係前面位置,一般都可 preflop時 raise,自問係game1 call 同game 2 raise都跟足策略玩,可能我仲新,有犯錯唔知,俾你會點做? 請指教!!

回覆 3# 朱朱達人 的帖子

反正 AJ AT offsuit 唔算真係強牌. 玩 MP 的 weak Ace 更應該 fold

game 1: 見 flop 我會 raise all in. 佢牌力係 AJ 或以下都會考慮 fold, 你有機會 bluff 走 AJ 甚至係 AQ. 雖然今次結果一樣輸.

game 2:

比我玩 game 2 我一係 bet 足四次 一係 check 足四次. 因為 BU calling 2BB 我好難估佢係乜牌.
呢局的問題係, 你地兩個全局都唔知對方有乜野牌.

你去到 turn check, 已經好明顯係驚佢 KQ KJ, 你甚至連 98, 97 都打唔過.

我作為旁觀會估你最多係 88, 77, 可能係 A5s.
你去到 river 1st to act bet pot 一係就贏梗 (A5), 一係就係一個好冒險的舉動, wrong move.


心態1. 你實在 raise 得太細, 佢可能好似你分析咁, AJ offsuit 保守入局
心態2. 亦
可能係估你大牌 (TT 或以上) 所以 preflop 只係 smooth call

flop 有 flush draw 但見你只係 bet pot x 0.5, 冇做 protection, 佢可能估你 TT / weak flush draw / continuation bet. Call 多隻.

turn 已經係 double flush draw, 見你未成 flush, 或估你渣 TT , 你又唔敢 bet佢, 佢可以把握機會 bet 走你, but anyway, 佢都冇乜信心, 又可能驚你落 trap, 所以 call 左.

到 river 佢見 Ace 一定 call.

對佢來講, 你唔可能有 AK, 最懷情況係你渣 AQ / A5 / A3 suited. AJ 都只係打和, 佢會搏的.

3. 佢只係一個 reading 好弱 又冇乜 hand selection, 見 Ace / Blackjack 就玩到尾 的 passive player. 隨時你 river all in 佢一樣照 call.
咁就係你 turn 放生左佢 / 你唔好彩.

太多可能, 因為兩位都太被動.

[ 本帖最後由 june23rd 於 2009-4-29 10:25 PM 編輯 ]

online rigged...

and u have to read if they are loose player or tight player, not just strategy.  if they are loose, no need to bet so much or only 2bb is just nothing to them, especial u dun even have a pair.  why not just check if they bet, u then read them ma, its hard to bluff by 9 high and not drawing hands. and he probably check if he is not pocket hand. and if he do bet 2bb, what will u do just call or re-raise now the 2bb is much useful.

你就算 AA 佢地都會照跟,
所以你只可以在 Preflop 果陣 raise 一半甚至 all-in,
flop 果陣 raise 埋另外一半,
無得就咁 call。
