
[自seed] (Pearl) Monk神探阿蒙 (VI) CH06 2008-10-22 (英/粵)[ 繁中][DivX]

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(Pearl) Monk神探阿蒙 (VI) CH06 2008-10-22 (英/粵)[ 繁中][DivX]

[自seed] (Pearl) Monk神探阿蒙 (VI) CH06 2008-10-22 (英/粵)[ 繁中][DivX]

原創 Paul (Camilloli) 師兄

【檔案大小】 : 254 MB
【影片格式】 : DivX
【發音語言】 : 粵語 / 英語
【字幕語言】 : 中文字幕
【格      式】 : 640 x 480

Picture Link

22 Oct 2008        Mr. Monk and the Buried Treasure

During a visit with Dr. Kroger, Monk learns that Kroger's son, Troy, has been skipping school and running with a troubled crowd. In fact, at that very moment Troy is skateboarding in a parking lot with his pals Ridley and Pez, and they’re about to get into a whole new kind of trouble. The boys come upon a dead man behind the wheel of a car, and the car's backseat is littered with empty bank bags from a recent robbery. There's no money to be found, but Troy comes across a hastily drawn map, and there's a big black “X” marking the spot where the boys assume the stolen money is hidden. The boys decide to try to find the money in lieu of telling the authorities, so they show up at Monk's house, figuring that the famous detective will be able to help them decipher the cryptic map...

阿蒙的精神病醫生的兒子Troy與同伴在停車地玩滑板時,在一輛車的後面發現一具男性屍體,更發現車廂後座佈滿從銀行行劫得來的錢袋,可是內裡經 已空無一物。Troy更發現一張在匆忙情況下繪畫的地圖,他們相信該地圖指示藏寶之處。為了找出寶藏,Troy與同伴遂向神探阿蒙求助,訛稱此次尋寶乃英 文科的一項可令他們獲得額外分數的專題習作。阿蒙不虞有詐,答允協助尋寶,沒想到此舉卻令阿蒙身陷險境!

(Pearl) 神探阿蒙 (VI) CH06 2008 10 22 [DivX].torrent
(Pearl) 神探阿蒙 (VI) CH06 2008 10 22 [DivX].torrent
(Pearl) 神探阿蒙 (VI) CH06 2008 10 22 [DivX].torrent
