
Everything 多國語言綠色版

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Everything 多國語言綠色版

【軟體名稱】 : Everything 多國語言綠色版 (取代Windows內建搜尋)
【運行環境】:All Windows

Everything 是個免費的檔案搜尋軟體,比起Windows本身的搜尋功能實在方便及快太多太多了 ! 如果跟AvaFind Pro相比大家在搜尋速度可以說是不分上下,但 AvaFind Pro 需要常駐系統否則在啟動的時候會花較長的時間去建立索引檔(視乎檔案數量),在這方面 Everything 明顯較優勝。此外,Everything 還有一個特別的功能就是 HTTP/FTP伺服器,用戶可以利用它搜尋遠端電腦的檔案同時可以在瀏覽器上瀏覽或下載甚至分享檔案 !引用:
Friday, 13 March 2009: Version
added title customization
added NOT operator (!)
added special case wildcards
added authentication support for QTWeb
added the option to exclude hidden and system files
added a basic text export option
added search only mode for HTTP/FTP servers
added shortcut keys for search options
added special case wildcards
added utf8 support for the FTP server
added keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Enter to open path
added extension and type columns
added support for external file managers via the ini file
added exclude paths to etp/ftp/http servers
added unicode support
added multiple language support
added removable NTFS volume support
added exclude folder filter
added option to check media on removable volumes (floppy drives are disabled by default)
added custom icon support
added optional http server user name and password
added option to use FTP links for ETP connections
added option to choose which drives are included in the installer
added fullscreen mode (F11)
added portability
improved rendering performance
improved search parsing
improved multiple instances option
improved command line parsing
improved option window navigation with keyboard
improved tooltip help for some items
improved searching performance with wildcards by upto 5 times
improved searching performance by upto 30%
improved ETP/FTP/HTTP performance
improved text rendering output and performance
improved rendering performance when updating the UI due to a large amount of changes to the file system.
improved memory usage when database is unload by clearing icon and file info cache
improved volume management
improved sorting performance
improved ftp command LIST
fixed an issue with HTTP url parsing
fixed default icons for windows 7 beta
fixed user handle leak in context menus
fixed a problem with cut/copy/paste
fixed cut with files and folders in different folders
fixed start menus for Vista
fixed opening a folder that had the same name as an executable
fixed the FTP REST position
fixed unicode IPC queries
fixed sorting by descending size
fixed characters being displayed incorrectly with the HTTP server
fixed copying files and folders in different folders.
fixed drag drop shortcuts
fixed an issue when searching for wildcards with match path enabled
fixed delete for files and folders in different folders
fixed an issue with long file names
fixed the folder and file selection after sorting and changing search parameters
fixed folder and file renaming using invalid destination
fixed mouse wheel scrolling using the wrong number of lines to scroll
fixed icons for files with the extension lnk and url
fixed show shell context menus toggle in options window
fixed a problem with menus blocking after a search was started
fixed -filename command line option using the wrong path
fixed new windows inheriting old windows settings
fixed horizontal scroll bar using wrong width
fixed a gdi leak when closing a window
fixed the default large icon
