
有冇軟件係睇MSN D人有冇Block左我~~~~~~~~~~

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有冇軟件係睇MSN D人有冇Block左我~~~~~~~~~~

我想知道我暗戀個女仔 有冇左Block左我:smile_13:

[ 本帖最後由 suileung 於 2008-9-11 11:45 PM 編輯 ]



先輸入msn的a/c...然後輸入密碼, 就可以睇到....


回覆 3# 的帖子

你知唔知呢 d 係釣魚網站, 你提供 msn 個 acoount 同 password 俾佢, 佢會攞嚟用架.

你咁提供 acoount 同 password, 你有冇警覺性架 :smile_38:

[ 本帖最後由 s061047 於 2008-9-13 11:58 PM 編輯 ]

回覆 4# 的帖子

朋友傳比我, 真係唔知道有咁大問題喎,

多謝閣下提醒, thx!

* When you have become a member to blockcheckeruk.com site, your personal details are not shared with third parties.

* blockcheckeruk.com is a web site for enabling the users to see who has blocked or deleted them from their MSN lists.

* There might be some margin of error for users in the list of blocked or deleted users.

* blockcheckeruk.com web site may send a promotional message to the users in your contact list.

* By being a member or logging to this site, you are deemed as accepting that you have become a member with your free will.

* In order to be removed from the list, please send an e-mail, including your user name / MSN ID that you have used to be a member, to [email protected]. You will be removed in the order of incoming requests.

* By being a member / logging in to the site, you are deemed as have accepted promotional messages to be sent in advance. In case of a complaint to be received from any person in your contact list, they will be notified that you are also receiving these messages since you have become a member / logged in to the site.
Login 左就會去你聯絡人send野:smile_30:

