
[XBOX360] [轉貼] [Armored Core For Answer] [RAR] [ISO/5.99G]

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[轉貼] [Armored Core For Answer] [RAR] [ISO/5.99G]

【遊戲名稱】:機戰傭兵 for Answer (美國版)
【英文名稱】:Armored Core For Answer (USA-NTSC)
【製作廠商】:FROM Software Inc.
【代理發行】:Ubisoft Entertainment
【檔案大小】:5.99 GB
【遊戲平台】:XBOX 360  

  From Software 發表,推出知名機器人動作遊戲《機戰傭兵(ARMORED CORE)》系列 PS3 / Xbox 360 最新作《機戰傭兵 for Answer(ARMORED CORE for Answer)》。

  《機戰傭兵 for Answer》是以《機戰傭兵 4》的系統與內容為基礎加以強化改良的系列新作,除收錄先前因製作因素而未能加入的構想外,並融入來自玩家所反應的意見。

  遊戲繼承前作的機體、零件與徽章等資料,並收錄新機體與加倍的零件數。加入比玩家所駕駛的 AC 機體大上數百倍的敵對超巨大兵器「ARMS FORT」,以及可讓 AC 機體以時速 2000 公裡超高速移動的「VOB」推進器等新要素。

  遊戲支援連線雙人合作過關,在故事模式的任務中,玩家可以選擇與 AI 操控的僚機或者是連線與其他玩家一同作戰。提供最多 8 人參與的連線對戰模式,並支援網路語音交談功能。提供簡易操控功能,讓不擅長複雜操作的玩家也能充分享受遊戲的樂趣。

Armored Core: For Answer is a high speed mecha action game that combines political and economic strife with all-out warfare. To bring you the most exhilarating gaming experience and to imprint the grand tragedy of war into your hearts, it utilizes the full graphical and audio capacity of your third generation consoles. Go to war with your very own customized mecha and take on opponents that are kilometers in size!

Decades after nations disintegrated, the world is turned into a massive ruin, companies that rule the world with their economic power built their sanctuary in the only unpolluted realm: the skies. But even this paradise falls as the war escalates on Earth beneath it, and no one is able to escape from their turmoils.

What are you fighting for? The future? To protect your loved ones? To destroy your enemies? The nation?

Open your eyes to the truth, for the answer exists only within you.



[ 本帖最後由 lok1628890 於 2008-9-21 12:57 PM 編輯 ]
