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小弟想過去玩下. 不過睇過好似好多都好掂 .
想請問下邊間比較岩新仔第一次去玩. 同係咪有個東方水療 . 唔知呢間掂唔掂?
:smile_13: :smile_13: :smile_13: :smile_13: :smile_13: :smile_13:

If u rich, go to 18 or Darling, if not go to Sin Lok Tou,

東方水療 BAD and small, since don't get bad experience for your 1st time, actually no need to try.
go to 18, 豪門, or rio to see good services good hardware and SOFTWARE

Actually please also look at NC, since you can get GIRLFRIEND FEEL in NC, as you can seat with her for 1 hr first and the 2 hrs at room, normal speaking.

but in sn, once you can choose a girl, then go to room for 1 hr normal then go out and take rest, eating,


18其實唔係好岩新手去玩,...:smile_13: :smile_13:

原帖由 maisato 於 2008-10-9 00:21 發表 查看引用來源
東方水療 BAD and small, since don't get bad experience for your 1st time, actually no need to try.
go to 18, 豪門, or rio to see good services good hardware and SOFTWARE

Actually please also look  ...
師兄. nc 即係咩野邊一間. 講落幾岩小弟. 同大約要幾錢消費.
Thanks a lot !
:smile_40: :smile_40: :smile_40:

ching ,
nc=night club , 係既話邊間比較好玩 d .
新焦點掂唔掂 ?
Thanks a lot !

go to golden dragon NC, very good
Rio also good



去D1包你揼住春袋出黎!:smile_30: :smile_30:
