
Google Earth v4.3 PORTABLE 繁體中文綠色版

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Google Earth v4.3 PORTABLE 繁體中文綠色版

Google Earth v4.3 PORTABLE  繁體中文綠色版                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        軟件大小:12.72 MB
Google Earth整合Google的本地搜索以及駕車指南兩項服務,能夠鳥瞰世界,將取代目前的桌面搜索軟件。他可以在虛擬世界中如同一隻雄鷹在大峽谷中自由飛翔,登陸峽谷頂峰,潛入峽谷深淵。
Google Earth採用的3D地圖定位技術能夠把GoogleMap上的最新衛星圖片推向一個新水平。用戶可以在3D地圖上搜索特定區域,放大縮小虛擬圖片,然後形成行車指南。此外,GoogleEarth還精心製作了一個特別選項——鳥瞰旅途,讓駕車人士的活力油然而生。GoogleEarth主要通過訪問Keyhole的航天和衛星圖片擴展數據庫來實現這些上述功能。該數據庫在上星期進行了更新,它含有美國宇航局提供的大量地形數據,未來還將覆蓋更多的地形,涉及田園,荒地等。

Google Earth gives you a wealth of imagery and geographic information.Explore destinations like Maui and Paris, or browse content fromWikipedia, National Geographic, and more.

Google Earth combines the power of Google Search with satelliteimagery, maps, terrain, and 3D buildings to put the world's geographicinformation at your fingertips.
* Fly to your house. Just type in an address, press Search, and you'll zoom right in.
* Search for schools, parks, restaurants, and hotels. Get driving directions.
* Tilt and rotate the view to see 3D terrain and buildings.
* Save and share your searches and favorites.


Version 4.3.7284.3916:

* Fixed various crashes
* Earth should accept Ctrl+Shft+arrow up/down now mapped to zoom
* Show correct message after deactivating GE
* Plus/Pro/EC client stops streaming data after 90 min
* EC and Pro client should share same activation key.
* Drag-and-drop place into whitespace causes crash
* Named colors aren't rendered in balloons
* Intel 915 does not display Overview Map
* Some of the layers show empty space below the layer name
* Long URLs in internal browser break clients max width
* Web window expands to be way too wide and can't be resized
* Fail on GPX read if contains anything that should be

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