
標題: memories from boarding school #1#2#3#17#25 #35 [打印本頁]

作者: cx829    時間: 2021-9-25 16:47     標題: memories from boarding school #1#2#3#17#25 #35

作者: cx829    時間: 2021-9-25 16:56

有次我在班房裏day dreaming, waiting for class to start. Gigi走過來我旁邊,以閃電手速度拿高條裙FLASH我。She’s Italian mix不知道什麽,but係公認戈班花。哇
當時17歲邊識反應,簡直hang 機,差D流鼻血戈同時硬到差D隊穿條校服褲。瞬間的1秒,我好像進入了時空停頓一樣,無限loop。班花果然係班花,低低都特別性感,粉藍色半透明lace底褲。超sexy。我在一片hehehaha笑聲中醒了過來,原來不知不覺做了truth or dare 戈對象。無所謂啦,反正有賺,有eye
當時覺得世界真美好~ 哈哈
可惜Rene的低低相比起Gigi就無什麽特別,正常學生妹style白色加彩色polka dots。都可愛戈。唔同戈就係Rene做完塊面紅過紅蘋果,瞬間就跑走。Needless to say, 我如下個日就沉醉於回味同FF當中。

作者: cx829    時間: 2021-9-25 17:13     標題: 回覆 2# cx829 的帖子

Rene係典型CBC,out going + 開心果。Rene家人住另外一個省,所以和我一樣係住宿舍,但就比我早一年入學校。形容下佢啦,165cm高,佢有一頭染了咖啡色highlight長長的頭髮和甜美的笑容。身材當然就不錯,波波應該係有B-C cup左右 ,後來證係實Full C,皮膚又滑又白淨。有做開運動,校隊,該大的地方大,該細就細,body was firm and tight.唯一有D恐怖就係Rene打Ice Hockey,對手幾大力,絕對吾會手下留情打巴你gor D。性格有小小男仔頭,同其他男仔玩得都埋,所以兵絕對不缺,有人有鬼,好在無黑鬼。
其實我初時想親近一下美女戈原因,就因爲Rene有車。在外國無車十分之痛苦。學校坐巴士出city 要個半鈡+waiting+轉車,最近的7-11單車都要半個鈡。所以我經常借D依問野,坐順風車,順便找個伴吾會悶。雖然有好多老鬼都對Rene有興趣,好彩佢只食唐餐。學校好少港人,有都係香蕉爲主,吾知點解當年D CBC,都特別對香港+人有興趣。This made things a lot easier later.
一開始我會約佢去拉記做功課,有時佢會以tank top+hot pants 出現,有時會係校服… 每次見到佢頭濕濕都知道佢練完波,亦會聞到佢洗頭水香味,真係正。 HAHA 都吾係吾係特登引我…
放佐學,weekend我們會一起約出去玩、看電影、吃飯,配打波(比佢魚肉)。在別人眼裡,絕對不會懷疑我們不是男女朋友,但我們真的只是好朋友(當時)。後來先知原來Rene有個男朋友但係Long D...不過後來都無左 Heehee
幾個月後的一日(當時已經係冬天),學校在gym搞左個dance。吾講都知美女們都著得好靚,好性感(即使外面已經滿地係雪,河也結冰了…)有短裙,熱褲,halter top,總之夾胸,露腿,樣樣齊。我見到,又開心又興奮,如果吾係D血冲嗮落小J到,一定流鼻血。當日,Rene同girls boarding的一群女去,我好自然就同我那邊的俄狼群一齊去。我當然不會浪費機會找女跳舞,磨屁股,運動一下D手指啦。
今日Rene穿了一條cutting簡單的黑色連身短裙。In current terms 摟吊裙 with a slit on the thigh.

[ 本帖最後由 cx829 於 2021-9-26 09:40 編輯 ]
作者: 月影偷情    時間: 2021-9-25 17:36

原帖由 cx829 於 2021-9-25 17:13 發表 查看引用來源
Rene係典型CBC,out going + 開心果。Rene家人住另外一個省,所以和我一樣係住宿舍,但就比我早一年入學校。形容下佢啦,165cm高,佢有一頭染了咖啡色highlight長長的頭髮和甜美的笑容。身材當然就不錯,波波應該係有B-C cup左右 ...
作者: cx829    時間: 2021-9-25 17:40

原帖由 月影偷情 於 25-9-2021 17:36 發表 查看引用來源

哈哈哈  i dont write as well as star bro though
作者: 月影偷情    時間: 2021-9-25 17:43

原帖由 cx829 於 2021-9-25 17:40 發表 查看引用來源

哈哈哈  i dont write as well as star bro though

[ 本帖最後由 月影偷情 於 2021-9-25 17:48 編輯 ]
作者: nokning    時間: 2021-9-25 17:53

原帖由 cx829 於 2021-9-25 17:13 發表 查看引用來源
Rene係典型CBC,out going + 開心果。Rene家人住另外一個省,所以和我一樣係住宿舍,但就比我早一年入學校。形容下佢啦,165cm高,佢有一頭染了咖啡色highlight長長的頭髮和甜美的笑容。身材當然就不錯,波波應該係有B-C cup左右 ...
Keep going bro, sounds interesting and attractive.
And... Rene looked HOT
作者: 人夫愛人妻    時間: 2021-9-25 19:52

原帖由 cx829 於 2021-9-25 17:13 發表 查看引用來源
Rene係典型CBC,out going + 開心果。Rene家人住另外一個省,所以和我一樣係住宿舍,但就比我早一年入學校。形容下佢啦,165cm高,佢有一頭染了咖啡色highlight長長的頭髮和甜美的笑容。身材當然就不錯,波波應該係有B-C cup左右 ...
咁有冇上到Rene 先?最衰以前讀唔到大學。
作者: 平衡生活    時間: 2021-9-25 20:52

原帖由 cx829 於 2021-9-25 17:13 發表 查看引用來源
Rene係典型CBC,out going + 開心果。Rene家人住另外一個省,所以和我一樣係住宿舍,但就比我早一年入學校。形容下佢啦,165cm高,佢有一頭染了咖啡色highlight長長的頭髮和甜美的笑容。身材當然就不錯,波波應該係有B-C cup左右 ...
作者: star_platina    時間: 2021-9-25 21:00

原帖由 cx829 於 25/9/2021 16:47 發表 查看引用來源
Sorry guys, I am new to this and my Chinese is not good. this is a memory from many many years ago....

話説當年我得17。我係加拿大某城市的boarding school矇混過日子。
學校就同相中差不多,旁邊有條河,河邊 ...
I've been waiting for your story to come up, now I am going to spend time to enjoy, cheers matey, do keep updating the excellent story 😬
作者: cx829    時間: 2021-9-25 22:19

原帖由 人夫愛人妻 於 25-9-2021 19:52 發表 查看引用來源

咁有冇上到Rene 先?最衰以前讀唔到大學。
作者: cx829    時間: 2021-9-25 22:22

原帖由 star_platina 於 25-9-2021 21:00 發表 查看引用來源

I've been waiting for your story to come up, now I am going to spend time to enjoy, cheers matey, do keep updating the excellent story 😬
Hahaha my writing is terrible. Not nearly half as good as yours. I'm considering continuing the story in English but feels like the feeling will be different 🤪
作者: 人夫愛人妻    時間: 2021-9-26 00:03

原帖由 cx829 於 2021-9-25 22:22 發表 查看引用來源

Hahaha my writing is terrible. Not nearly half as good as yours. I'm considering continuing the story in English but feels like the feeling will be different 🤪
Why not? 用你最擅長嘅文字去表達啦,睇唔明嘅人咪去Google  translate 囉,不過最好放多D相俾我哋幻想吓啦。哈哈
作者: 人在澳    時間: 2021-9-26 05:40     標題: 回覆 11# cx829 的帖子

期待更新.     師兄
作者: 碧咸佬    時間: 2021-9-26 11:25

作者: 月影偷情    時間: 2021-9-26 12:29

原帖由 人夫愛人妻 於 2021-9-26 00:03 發表 查看引用來源

Why not? 用你最擅長嘅文字去表達啦,睇唔明嘅人咪去Google  translate 囉,不過最好放多D相俾我哋幻想吓啦。哈哈
作者: cx829    時間: 2021-9-26 15:32     標題: 回覆 3# cx829 的帖子


Rene特然轉身輕吻了我一下,佢的嘴唇好柔軟,我忍不住又吻了她,她沒反抗,柔軟嘴唇不停的交戰回應了我,我嘴巴感受到她passionate的回應, 再變成舌劍的交鋒。Her tongue is very flirtatious when we make out. Sometimes it feels like her tongue is tickling me, and at times it feels as if the tongue is seducing me to do more 。她的手環住我脖子。我們不停地嘴戰,我抱住佢,this is the first time I held her in my arms like that. 佢抱起來真的很舒服,不會太瘦也不會太胖,剛剛好. At that moment, it felt like she gave herself to me.。Her breasts were pressing against my chest。They felt so full, so soft.哪種壓逼感 Just like a comfortable pillow. I could feel her heart beat as well as mine. Both our hearts were racing, pumping a million times a second preparing for what is to come next.我的小J瞬間頂住佢三角位。=) I am sure she felt it, but it didn’t change anything. We kept going當時冰天雪地零下十度左右,but it did not stop us, nor did we feel the cold at the time.
嘴多陣,I wanted more, 本來抱住她的手自然地開始到處摸,到處探索. Her dress was as smooth as her skin. I went from her 23寸的小蠻腰慢慢搜身摸到落去her small but firm butt。我突然大力雙手抓落去。That gave me a sudden energy boost. I became more aggressive and she became the passive one. Before this, Rene was leading me the whole time. We just turned the table. Rene條利還在我口裏面舌劍中,比這突然的特擊嚇到,在我口裏「阿」左聲,就好小鳥依人,把頭挨落我博頭上。
It is now time for more! 我左手再游上去個bra到,兩指一彈,個扣已經比我解左,Rene用左一把我從未聽過的嬌柔的「yeee~~ 」了一聲。我已經被呢聲融掉了。At  same time, all my blood rushed to my dick. I want more says my brain. My dick says I want action! I want action! I was so hard. I could break I tree with it if I wanted.

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作者: cx829    時間: 2021-9-26 15:50

原帖由 人夫愛人妻 於 26-9-2021 00:03 發表 查看引用來源

Why not? 用你最擅長嘅文字去表達啦,睇唔明嘅人咪去Google  translate 囉,不過最好放多D相俾我哋幻想吓啦。哈哈
LOL 我呢D中又唔好英又半桶水,辛苦師兄們啦。enjoy the update
作者: 69professor    時間: 2021-9-26 16:10

好有特色,I’m loving it 😊!
作者: star_platina    時間: 2021-9-26 17:43

原帖由 cx829 於 25/9/2021 22:22 發表 查看引用來源

Hahaha my writing is terrible. Not nearly half as good as yours. I'm considering continuing the story in English but feels like the feeling will be different 🤪
Awww come on, a good story doesn't need to be expressed the way a normal story should be, so long as people gets the feelings behind it, the story is already alive, isn't it?😬
作者: star_platina    時間: 2021-9-26 17:45

原帖由 cx829 於 26/9/2021 15:32 發表 查看引用來源

Rene特 ...
Isn't this an interesting way to present a story? 故事只要能夠令人共鳴,點樣寫都只係style問題,師兄加油!😬
作者: 人夫愛人妻    時間: 2021-9-26 17:59

原帖由 cx829 於 2021-9-26 15:50 發表 查看引用來源

LOL 我呢D中又唔好英又半桶水,辛苦師兄們啦。enjoy the update
冇所謂啦,而家唔係考試又唔係出書,而且你寫得幾好呀,感覺似一個外國人用廣東話講故事咁,幾得意,keep going. Thanks.
作者: cx829    時間: 2021-9-26 18:50

原帖由 star_platina 於 26-9-2021 17:45 發表 查看引用來源
Isn't this an interesting way to present a story? 故事只要能夠令人共鳴,點樣寫都只係style問題,師兄加油!😬
trying to hit two birds with one stone. this presentation helps with the atmosphere I am trying to create. esp for those that have not studied aboard. it should be easier for them to relate. Partly also because my chinese really isn't that good.
I am really hoping to hit some pressure points for those that have studied aboard with this story.
作者: cx829    時間: 2021-9-26 18:52

原帖由 人夫愛人妻 於 26-9-2021 17:59 發表 查看引用來源
冇所謂啦,而家唔係考試又唔係出書,而且你寫得幾好呀,感覺似一個外國人用廣東話講故事咁,幾得意,keep going. Thanks.
作者: cx829    時間: 2021-9-26 20:15     標題: 回覆 17# cx829 的帖子

Quickly I turned Rene around and slipped both my hands between her bra and her boobs. With my hands, I grab her boobs as if I am trying to give her warmth through my hands, squeezing it as if it would run away. Rene整個胸部的形狀很挺,對波唔會太細,剛剛好,抓落去對手滿滿. So satisfied。
Rene turned her head around, 我親著她柔軟的嘴唇,舌頭跟她糾纏著,對手繼續搓揉她的乳房,直到我用手指頑皮地玩弄她的perky nipples「阿……阿………好舒服……」
過了一陣,Rene「yeee~~ 」左兩秒,就停低,好溫柔,轉身深情望著我,用D小朋友想玩玩具戈眼神同語氣「拿出來我幫你啊」,未講完就拉低我拉鏈,跪在地上幫我舔。她的小手又軟又滑,手口并用,舔了都吾知夠唔夠三下,就已經弄得我的小J幾乎要爆炸。我唯有拼命的忍,怎知她愈玩愈興起,還在上下的套弄,含,舔,賴,啜,食樣樣齊。It was cold and she was kneeling on the ice. I felt bad, but didn’t want her to stop either. 我的經驗告訴我, Rene應該不是第一次,應該有D經驗. Oh what the fuck do I care. 冰天雪地有幸能夠比一個這樣的大美人吹,我還能還要求甚麼呢?Just go with the flow. Besides, I like her to start with.
Rene raises her head looks at me with those innocent big eyes 「我想要……人地想要la……」What man can resist those eyes and the words coming out of her mouth? I would probably dive in the frozen lake if she asked me to. I put my right hand in between her thighs, slowly moving up and down, building up the excitement and turn on her senses even more. Moving up, higher and higher until I reach the end. Wetness was the only thing I felt. Wait. Where are her panties? While I try to look for her clit and tease her a little more, I found a thin piece of cloth. Ahhh, she is wearing a thong, thinking to myself. Without any hesitation, I pulled it aside, revealing the hidden jewel, the clit. Using my middle finger, I drew circles on her clit. There was so much juice my finger was sliding on and around her clit.
作者: nokning    時間: 2021-9-26 21:19

原帖由 cx829 於 2021-9-26 20:15 發表 查看引用來源
Quickly I turned Rene around and slipped both my hands between her bra and her boobs. With my hands, I grab her boobs as if I am trying to give her warmth through my hands, squeezing it as if it would  ...
Keep going please, nice narratives... Will be even better if there are more photos of Rene🤤
作者: backpacker    時間: 2021-9-26 22:10

Keep it up
作者: hyperactive1    時間: 2021-9-27 00:26

That's a good one!!!
作者: 柒七仔    時間: 2021-9-27 00:45     標題: 回覆 18# cx829 的帖子

CX兄,nice story, keep it up👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
作者: star_platina    時間: 2021-9-27 07:45

原帖由 cx829 於 26/9/2021 18:50 發表 查看引用來源
trying to hit two birds with one stone. this presentation helps with the atmosphere I am trying to create. esp for those that have not studied aboard. it should be easier for them to relate. Partly al ...
Haha, for us kind of people who lived part of our life abroad, definitely a lot of say about this; similar situation but with different kinds of girls and that we share our experiences as an overseas students met with some sweet girls. 絕對有共鳴,類似嘅情境,一樣咁甜美嘅女孩,同樣咁激情火辣😬
作者: cx829    時間: 2021-9-27 10:25

原帖由 star_platina 於 27-9-2021 07:45 發表 查看引用來源

Haha, for us kind of people who lived part of our life abroad, definitely a lot of say about this; similar situation but with different kinds of girls and that we share our experiences as an oversea ...
i want to hear your story! hahahhaha
作者: star_platina    時間: 2021-9-27 10:45

原帖由 cx829 於 27/9/2021 10:25 發表 查看引用來源

i want to hear your story! hahahhaha
Mine wasn't as sweet, but still very juicy. Let me finish the recent story and tidy up my old ones and share in a new post for another laugh😬
作者: cx829    時間: 2021-9-27 13:03

原帖由 star_platina 於 27-9-2021 10:45 發表 查看引用來源

Mine wasn't as sweet, but still very juicy. Let me finish the recent story and tidy up my old ones and share in a new post for another laugh😬
you are going to like the next update. it was really kind of funny even after so many years.
作者: star_platina    時間: 2021-9-27 14:01

原帖由 cx829 於 27/9/2021 13:03 發表 查看引用來源

you are going to like the next update. it was really kind of funny even after so many years.
Looking forward to it mate, wouldn't want to miss out any of the fun😬
作者: cx829    時間: 2021-9-27 14:30     標題: 回覆 25# cx829 的帖子

「夠啦……滴水啦……」Rene protests,顯然開始有D吾耐煩。
既然女神你講到出口,我只能夠拖住佢行到靠河邊的大樹旁,少少粗暴bend her over, Rene扶住棵樹,我拉起條短裙,再將期待已久的小J釋放出來。我都唔敢再玩,再等,免得女神怒怒豬,無德插就無人可憐啦。
拉開條thong, 慢慢將小J一寸一寸放入,又緊又滑戈水簾洞裏面。「阿……好舒服……」呢次係我出聲. 久違了的感覺!自從香港過來加拿大都無做過,呢個感覺正啊! 3個月來都係靠打飛機度日,今日要插返夠本! 當我還在自我陶醉戈時候Rene又出聲「入D啦……入…D…啊~~……快…D……Harder~~…」Rene用手拍拍我催促著我。雖然我龜頭已經變得又硬又大,Rene的小穴也非常的濕同緊,很快就全部滑了入去。Without wasting time,I fondled her breasts with one hand and played with her clit with the other.
我已經進入忘我境界, I completely forgot how to fuck. All the 九淺一深 and other techniques were all thrown out the window. All I knew was simple piston action. 將小J慢慢退到洞口,再大力的插進去。每一下都插到盡頭,而且還剩下少少的一截留在外面。每次我都用盡力的插,把佢插得全身顫抖的幾乎昏厥, 插到頂,頂到野的感覺, 應該插到頂摩擦了子宮口。
「阿……feels good………阿………keep going……I want it……」she said in a subtle voice, suppressing the volume.
I rocked her good and hard, but not for long. Since I have not been laid for so long, my senses were strong too. [shit..I want to cum...] Just as I was about to come, I pulled out and squirted all over the snow, fertilizing the grounds.
[阿~~] Rene exclaimed one last time as I pulled out. She tells me after, 我一直插佢, 佢感覺心裡有種舒服及滿足. 原來我抽插戈時后,Rene亦高潮左幾次, 最勁就係我抽出來個次.
Both of us are now satisfied and our regular senses are coming back to us. Little did we know both our legs are stuck in the snow/muddy grounds. 可能之前太心急無留意, 我地怕比人見到,所以走了過去河邊的樹邊做,無留意在軟綿綿的雪地下係軟泥地,一脚踏落去就已經沉左落去.所以幾時都話性愛衝昏頭腦. Hey, at that spur of the moment, who would have realized. 點算呢,我使勁想拉隻脚出來,不過都吾成功 and I fell on the floor while doing it. Rene 呢就抽到隻脚出來,對鞋就still in the mud. At this point, we were both getting worried. Can’t exactly scream for help and we needed to get back before teachers started to look for us. Back then, we did not have mobile phones. Couldn’t even get my friends for help. Luckily after lots of yanking and pulling me legs were free. I carried Rene on my back and fled the scene. Once we got back to the buildings, Rene ran bare foot back to her room. 我地分開之前, Rene笑笑口講「you owe me a pair of shoes, dummie」Kissed me lightly on the lips, then turned around and ran off.
我同Rene就正式開始左. This also marked the beginning of my Canadian adventures.
作者: issac76    時間: 2021-9-27 19:02     標題: 回覆 35# cx829 的帖子

Great story, pls update every day.thanks 😆👍🏻
作者: star_platina    時間: 2021-9-27 19:16

原帖由 cx829 於 27/9/2021 14:30 發表 查看引用來源
「夠啦……滴水啦……」Rene protests,顯然開始有D吾耐煩。
既然女神你講到出口,我只能夠拖住佢行到靠河邊的大樹旁,少少粗暴bend her over, Rene扶住棵樹,我拉起條短裙,再將期待已久的小J釋放出來。我都唔敢再玩,再等,免得 ...
Ain't that sweet to be called a dummie?😬
作者: 柒七仔    時間: 2021-9-27 19:42     標題: 回覆 35# cx829 的帖子

作者: cx829    時間: 2021-9-27 20:03     標題: 回覆 37# star_platina 的帖子

hahaha one of the great things about puppy love is that it's simple and sweet. Nothing complicated.
作者: cx829    時間: 2021-9-27 20:04     標題: 回覆 38# 柒七仔 的帖子

No need to 羡慕. U have stories to share too?
作者: star_platina    時間: 2021-9-27 20:18

原帖由 cx829 於 27/9/2021 20:03 發表 查看引用來源
hahaha one of the great things about puppy love is that it's simple and sweet. Nothing complicated.
Absolutely mate, long passed the prescious sweet moments of puppy love though, gonna get to the old dog love now😬
作者: 人在澳    時間: 2021-9-27 20:30     標題: 回覆 35# cx829 的帖子

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