
Texas Hold'em Tournament in Central, HK

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Texas Hold'em Tournament in Central, HK

It's so hard to find live tournaments in hong kong, I finally found a hold'em tournament in LKF,Central.  Check out hkgameclub.com for infos.

I went to play last Tuesday night, it's great! I saw 袁彌明 playing on the 8thMay.
They are holding tournaments every Tuesday nights, anyone wants to join
me this Tuesday ? I am going again!  :071:

[ 本帖最後由 RI.CH. 於 2007-5-31 03:32 AM 編輯 ]

they are playing for prizes, not cash, but I think this game is fun even
without any prizes! check out hkgameclub.com, they are hosting
tournaments every Tuesday. I lost last week , I am going again this week,
@@, tournament is so hard to win! :029:

isn't texas hold'em the greatest game in poker?

shiiiit , I lost again today! :029:

袁彌明 is one of the Miss HK 2005, check out  23/5, 3週刊, Page 54

18 years old +

pakyiu, when are you coming back to HK ? may be we can go to the tournament together. hkgameclub.com is hosting tournaments every Tuesday night in central, you gotta send them emails to reserve seats.
