
[原創作品] 【古龍小說改編】絕色雙嬌 ~ 大結局 68# (附插圖)

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So good! Miss Tina's work is always so amazingly exciting. Hot and erotic, in a romantic story. Such master piece. It is still worth it, even waited so long.
Please keep up the good work. Love to see how things will go by the two beautiful characters. Not many stories had focused on girl's point of view in here, especially about girls love. Looking forward to seeing more of such good story.

Thanks for sharing...

So glad to receive Miss Tina's reply. It is great to know the author did appreciate the readers support. (Not many authors did.)
If《愛偷窺之春光乍洩》cannot 發表回應, may be use a new name for the story can be a good idea. 《愛偷窺之春光XX》 or 《愛XX之春光XX》, can work.
Hope this suggestion can help. It is always a pleasure to help a lady.
Fully support your great work. Please continue  the story.

Thanks for sharing...

Very nice. Such a good story.
Interesting and erotic, it is a master work.
Girls love is so sweet and passionate.  Lovely.
Miss Tina's work is great, as always. Looking forward to seeing more great stories.
Fully support for the good works.

Thanks for sharing...

回覆 70# Tina33c 的帖子

As a reader, nothing can compare the happiness to receive the reply from the author.  So glad to see Miss Tina's reply. My words can only express my half of my feeling. Your works are great. Other than other works which concentrate on the characters physical actions, Miss Tina's works are more concentrate  on characters emotions and inner feelings. Readers can know why the characters do what they did, and how they feel when they are doing that. That is good. The more readers know about the characters,  readers can involve more into characters heart. Rather than just have the picture of two bodies fXXking, and lots of 'Ah...', 'Oh...', 'Yes...', 'No...', etc.
Such a good news there will be new story coming. Looking forward to seeing another good work. Just like to ask, '《愛偷窺之春光乍洩》' will have update, right? Such a pity, if it ends in a way like that.

Please keep up your good works. Fully support your effort of your hardworks. It is not easy to create a good story, especially an interesting and erotic one.

Thanks for your sharing...


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2020-2-18 17:19


