
Meow & Chochet - 刻骨銘心的愛情故事

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.....brother......good news.....

[quote]原帖由 denn 於 2007-2-6 11:09 AM 發表

I have been reading many forums for over 3-4 years and this is one of the most moving stories. It tells that if a man treats his girlfriend regardless of her occupation (yes, they are working girls but are also human beings), they will open their heart as well.

.......Working girls also will open their heart as well.......but only for the right man.........great sample......brother Chochet..........

.....小弟現在在祖國.....dup完正骨返酒店......dup骨期間.....睇到個清談節目.....好應景....個主題係....夜埸有真愛......請左幾對.....開花結果既 brother 囡囡.....現身說法......都幾感人......


....主題被關....不是問題....最緊要 Meow & Chochet的愛情故事可以置頂.....一直流傳下去......




....剛收 Chochet 的 E-mail......得知師兄將投入新的工作....我相信在短時間內......Chochet都未必可將........另一段和越囡的經歷.....與各 brother 分享...........我相信Chochet 是非常重視承諾......請各位有心理準備....及....請耐心等候.....祝師兄...工作順利.....祝各 brother....豬年快樂...bye...bye...:smile_15:

