
《有情還似無情 - 我和囡囡眼中的風月大觀園》全文完

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Sawatdee 兄, 你出巨著我一定支持 la :smile_38: :smile_38:

PS : thanks for your advice (Thai's No) last time but in fact I went to D1 with my customer...only few Thai G (I remeber not more than 5) and they are not outstanding...:smile_13:

He didn't like it so we went back to H.K.(He was disappointed)......:smile_42: :smile_42: 唉....D1每況愈下....攪到我呢D靠老板吃飯的皮條友就來無得撈喇....but anyway, thanks for your help..

great...keep on and support.....:smile_38:

原帖由 Sawatdee 於 2008-1-25 12:08 AM 發表

首先我既行為唔值得表揚....亦唔好學...我太太一直都知囡囡的存在.....太太都有上黎睇我留言....我做得出就唔怕比人知....今次係谷住度氣收口.... ...

S兄太太真是一個偉人....我相信S兄也給足她面子, 定期蒲頭, 準時回家
