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原帖由 thaddeus 於 2008-4-25 11:52 PM 發表
Ching, 多謝你報料先, o的街市妹多得很喎! 你所指ga街市是市政大廈裡面? 魚檔? 菜檔或肉檔呢? 攪錯死梗鮁! 可有更詳細資料? 能否搵"貓" 告知呢? jeb123y09 係亞虎呀! Thank you !
If it is in the market, hyiene is a problem that you have to consider.

C Hing, the BGs usually providing 90 mins massage + HJ for $300.  Seems a normal price for the foot massage shop.  Skill good or not, try your luck la.  Of course, C hing's recommondation is very important

Yes, have to try and no one can guarantee anything.

原帖由 mdmbutterfly 於 2008-5-14 02:34 PM 發表
一舊水 咬波 三指插入西 一指入c眼 條中女阿余一路打一路仲淫叫 大力少我大力少我 我老公冇x用 吾x得 你好x硬 好x多精ah
C Hing - u are star.  All the men and BGs in the whole shop listening you two playing as you screaming so loud.
