
Meow & Chochet - 刻骨銘心的愛情故事

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原帖由 u69second 於 2007-2-23 03:40 AM 發表
我都係第一次leave a message here.....after saw this story... 真的有衝動leave here a message for support Chochet...and wish Meow will always leave happy in heaven
這個愛情故事真的又touching又said. I saw this story in afternoon...我好感慨...現在3:07am...都係thinking of this story... feel unsleep...
此外,after read this story...就令我又再想喜一個我好愛既女人.... 我好希望佢亦可以看看this story...因為我同佢都有好多的回憶...所以我用mobile sended a message to her for ask her to send her email address to me...but no reply...所以都有d said,
我又唔感同老婆share this story wor....  不過after this story, I learn a lot... I will treasure my wife and other ppl who loves me.
我係澳門人...三十多歲....雖然冇去玩冇nc or sn....不過對故事所講的地方都熟識...我仲有衝動tomorrow 就去個條天橋上影一張meow居企既photo post 上黎比大家睇下.....(不過唔知Chochet兄會唔會唔鐿意)
真的非常touching....到現在環在想著this love story....


I am having the same feeling with you after reading Choichet's story. I went to Seoul with my girlfriend 2 months ago. We met Chochet for a dinner at the last night
before coming back to Hong Kong. His story makes my girlfriend very much emotional during our stay in Seoul - she works in NC in Macau, she said that she has never
been having that warm and love feeling when making love with any man but the night after meeting with Chochet and then discussed his story again in the hotel
room, she was very wet ----- my first time to make she go to the TOP.
I am having same problem with you that I cannot share this story with my wife but I really learnd a great deal of things after reading Chochet's story. It is not only a
love story but can treasure a lot of the meaning of LIFE, indeed.

原帖由 h446848 於 2007-2-24 12:28 AM 發表
....剛收 Chochet 的 E-mail......得知師兄將投入新的工作....我相信在短時間內......Chochet都未必可將........另一段和越囡的經歷.....與各 brother 分享...........我相信Chochet 是非常重視承 ...
Why Bro h leaving us ???
Any problem you are having ???
Without your advise how can we know the update information in D1 ?
You are the one can comment to the bros who are having problem.

原帖由 ricowongpo 於 2007-3-2 01:37 AM 發表
欣賞story時彷彿置身當中,ths for your share, 亦支持brother努力尋找幸福,想信她亦希望brother幸福快樂而不是活於過往回憶當中吧!! 祝生活愉快      
I had a chance meeting Chochet 2 months ago. He is quite handsome, even he is over 40 years old today. You won't be surprised the reason of Ms. Meow loved him so much...... the story was started in 1991-2, Chochet was much younger than now, I can imagine he was very handsome 15 years ago. I saw Meow's photos during the dinner with Chochet. She was very beautiful and charming.
