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回覆 1# 的帖子

Could you tell me more information about 東方同仙記?  Where are they?  Could you tell me what are they?  Are they the night club in Macau?  How is the price to there?  What are the price include?

Could you give me more information about 大富豪就可以廉價玩Korea?? Where is it? Could you tell me what is it?  Is this the night club in Macau?  How is the price to there?  What are the price include?

Sorry to ask you so many question but I have no experience.  Is it a good idea for me to buy a coupon from Shun Tak?


回覆 1# 的帖子


請問 東方 和 仙記 是什麼東西來的,它們的位置又在什麽地方?  我如果在 信德 買 Coupon 會否更便宜 ?女女的收費又怎樣? 她們會否和客人在酒店過夜? 借問聲 那些 Coupon 是否 需要住 指定的洒店? 所有的: 包括 女女 & 洒店 大約需要多少錢?


原帖由 aky611 於 2008-8-21 05:53 PM 發表

做吓功課啦(睇吓其他師兄 d 報告)
到信德 買 Coupon 時
問吓 d 哥哥仔
基本上有 $ 就咩都得架
Thank you for your kind reply.  I've read many of the post in this website but I still do not know 那些 Coupon 是否 需要住 指定的洒店? and hotel accommodation are always separate to all the price of 'entertainment'?  How much money I need to pay for the 'girl' and the 'accommodation'?

