
分享: ☆☆╮弟一次係點樣入黎呢個內地夜遊區 (+分區!!!)╭☆☆

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1. 大家弟一次上"內地夜遊區" 係在點樣架情況下呢.??
Since I have been working in PRC and my boss always induce me to Sauna, so I searched for China information through “Yahoo”

2. 弟一次上黎呢度睇.. d post, 覺得點樣呢..
I have gathered some required information and my comment is overall acceptable.

3. 大家有冇出過report 呀, 剩文字 or 相+文字架 report, 出過幾多呀(大約啦 )
Not too many reports but some of them with photos.

4. 大家有冇跟過團玩?? (係呢度join架,) 一齊去d 地方去玩, 如有, 跟團玩架感覺係.???
I have never joined any trip since no trip was happened in “DS”.

5. 有冇建議 or 意見給 "內地夜遊討論"
Actually, I have many comments but……. I have to obey the rules or just leave this forum.

For instances :-
a) We should maintain a “Sinking Boat” section, since there are too many sinking boat queries and should be merged for easily reference.

b) No confabulation in “『新手、老手、咸豬手』發問區”, it is now too lengthy with only limited useful information, should make it professional.

c) We should develop more “Add Mark” schemes in order to attract more brothers to give their valuable information, we may refer to “Football” forum for our perusal.

d) 『內地夜遊討論』not only focus on Fucking, FOC ….., but also encourage brothers to share their experiences in different topics, such as “北上陷阱”, “求援方法”, “夜遊地圖”, “優惠推廣”, “健康常識”………

C.C. 潰爛王

6. 除左上呢度(內地夜遊)外, 各會員重(有冇)上其他架邊一區多呢(最多講三個區得啦-係香港討論區內, 得個知字咋 )..??
a) Football & Football Betting - my favorable hobby
b) Adult Photos - for "Pour Water" only.

[ 本帖最後由 kwanyick 於 2005-10-27 07:21 PM 編輯 ]
