
Meow & Chochet - 刻骨銘心的愛情故事

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. ...我頂...again.....


......每日一頂......己成為我的習慣......其實真好想知道版主對帖的置頂及精華的標準是甚麼 :smile_41: .....有冇具體標準可以說明.....定係純以版主的個人喜好作依歸?唔通論壇就只需用post鹹相.....偷影囡囡既相...來增加人氣......增加廣告收入....小弟對版主好失望.....:smile_39:

頂 again

原帖由 ricowongpo 於 2007-3-3 08:05 PM 發表

Still have chance to see Ms Meow photo in macau? if yes would u mind to mention the location?

thank you.
..Darling 1.....應有 Meow 照片檔案....

頂 again.....

原帖由 kfmc 於 2007-3-20 05:03 AM 發表
Brother Chochet's story bring me a lot of menory in Macau.Each Thai girl had their own kind of story.I had spended a long time in Macau with Thai girl too,and most of them is real.BTW thanks for  ...
...me too brother.......

原帖由 longdick939 於 2007-4-30 02:12 PM 發表

關於“求佛”歌詞背後的那個感人的愛情故事  很片堙A孤獨的生活,而狼在人類心目中的地位比較讓人討厭,總會成為獵人槍下獵物。而這裡,卻有個小女孩很喜歡這只小白狼,整天陪伴著她玩耍,帶著它走遍了村子裏 ...
:smile_24: .....謝師兄.....好感人......
