
[自seed] (Pearl) Dirty Sexy Money錢作怪 2008-09-18 (英/粵)[中字][DivX]

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(Pearl) Dirty Sexy Money錢作怪 2008-09-18 (英/粵)[中字][DivX]

[自seed](Pearl) Dirty Sexy Money錢作怪 2008-09-18 (英/粵)[中字][DivX]

原創  Paul (Camilloli) 師兄

【檔案大小】 : 510 MB
【影片格式】 : DivX
【發音語言】 : 粵語 / 英語
【字幕語言】 : 中文字幕
【格      式】 : 640 x 480

Picture Link

18 Sep 2008        The Country House

Nick and Lisa are looking forward to spending their Thanksgiving holiday together, with no Darlings — but all that changes when Tripp demands that Nick set up a face-to-face meeting at the family's country house with a skeptical Simon Elder. During the visit, Letitia initiates her plan to help Karen get the man she really wants, Nick George. Meanwhile, Nick tries to stop Andrea (Sheryl Lee) from taking Brian's son away from him; Patrick's wife, Ellen (Bellamy Young), insists on meeting his transgendered mistress, Carmelita (Candis Cayne); and Jeremy keeps up his disguise as a poor valet on his first date with Sof质a (Sof质a Vergara).

Nick和Lisa十分期待即將來臨的感恩節,因為他們希望在這個節日期間可以徹底擺脫達林家族,靜靜地過二人世界。然而,Tripp卻要求 Nick趁這假期安排跟他與Simon Elder見面,令Lisa與他好夢成空。Nick為求令Lisa安心,遂帶同Lisa同行。

而Patrick的太太Ellen則堅持要與變性的Carmelita見面,於是由Nick出馬幫忙與Carmelita交談,終於展開了一頓三 人晚餐…另一方面,Brian為了兒子的撫養權而導致食慾不振,卒之找來Andrea談判,嘗試阻止她奪去Brian Jr.。少爺仔Jeremy則不敢再以真實身分交朋友,更甚的是他竟然以司機的兒子身分與別人約會……

(pearl) Dirty Sexy Money 2008 09 18 [DivX].torrent
(pearl) Dirty Sexy Money 2008 09 18 [DivX].torrent
(pearl) Dirty Sexy Money 2008 09 18 [DivX].torrent
