
[自seed] (Pearl) Dirty Sexy Money錢作怪 2008-10-02 END (英/粵)[中字][DivX]

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(Pearl) Dirty Sexy Money錢作怪 2008-10-02 END (英/粵)[中字][DivX]

[自seed](Pearl) Dirty Sexy Money錢作怪 2008-10-02 END (英/粵)[中字][DivX]

原創  Paul (Camilloli) 師兄

【檔案大小】 : 243 MB
【影片格式】 : DivX
【發音語言】 : 粵語 / 英語
【字幕語言】 : 中文字幕
【格      式】 : 640 x 480

Picture Link

2 Oct 2008        The Nutcracker

Nick learns Simon and Karen are secretly seeing each other, but he refuses to admit why it truly bothers him. Karen bails on the family tradition of watching “The Nutcracker” in order to accept Simon's invitation to meet a mysterious person. Brian's suspension from the ministry thrusts him into an existential career crisis, and Letitia suggests he go to Tripp for guidance. Lisa guides Jeremy in his quest to impress Sofia by pretending to be a painter. Meanwhile, Juliet has a visitor from the Seychelles, and Carmelita tells Patrick she thinks she's being watched.


Karen接受了Simon的邀請,出席與一神秘女人共同晉餐的約會,後來才發現那人竟是Simon的前妻;另一方面,Jeremy往找Lisa 協助他增進與Sofia的感情,Lisa教導Jeremy扮成畫家,以博取Sofia的歡心,但傾談時Lisa竟不自覺地哭了起來。

一名來自Seychelles的客人到訪Juliet,兩小口子甜蜜不已;而Carmelita則告訴Patrick她正被人監視。Nick帶女 兒Kiki一同出席達林家族的傳統,一起觀賞《胡桃夾子》,Jeremy根據Lisa所教授的與Sofia說出時,竟把她氣走……欲知眾人故事的最終結 局,留意最後一集的《錢作怪》自有分曉!

Dirty Sexy Money 2008 10 02 [DivX].torrent
Dirty Sexy Money 2008 10 02 [DivX].torrent
Dirty Sexy Money 2008 10 02 [DivX].torrent
