
[自seed] (Pearl) 新未來戰士Terminator CH03 2008-10-06[粵/英][中字][DivX]

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(Pearl) 新未來戰士Terminator CH03 2008-10-06[粵/英][中字][DivX]

[自seed] (Pearl) 新未來戰士Terminator CH03 2008-10-06[粵/英][中字][DivX]

原創  Paul (Camilloli) 師兄

【檔案大小】 : 261 MB
【影片格式】 : DivX
【發音語言】 : 粵語 / 英語
【字幕語言】 : 中文字幕
【格      式】 : 640 x 480

Picture Link

6 Oct 2008        The Turk

Sarah pays a visit to Miles Dyson's widow (recurring guest star CHARYLANE WOODARD - "ER," "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit") looking for Skynet's creators. Her search leads her to Andy Goode (recurring guest star BRENDAN HINES - "Heavy Petting," "Without a Trace," "Angel"), a cell phone salesman who also happens to be the inventor of a chess-playing computer known as "The Turk." Sarah has to make a tough decision regarding her friendship with Goode. Meanwhile, John and Cameron try their best to assimilate on their first day at the new high school; John is conflicted about his role as a hero; and Agent James Ellison finds himself getting closer to the truth.

Sarah夢見自己闖進一間屋內,她發現屋內的人全部變成了刀槍不入的機械人,感不安。稍後有一醫院被神秘人入侵大肆破壞,打傷醫護人員後逃去無 蹤,而神秘人的真實身分竟是Sarah夢中的機械人……另一方面,John和Cameron開始了在新學校的生活,Cameron由於體內含金屬而未能通 過學校的保安系統;而對於與同學溝通,Cameron亦感到無所適從。同時間有學生於教學大樓天台墮下,當事人即場死亡,是和John有關嗎?
Sarah到訪Miles的妻子,希望找出發明Skynet的人。在尋找的過程當中,Sarah遇上了Goode。Goode是一名手機銷售 員,同時亦創製了一部懂得下棋的電腦,名為「The Turk」。Sarah需要下一個狠心的決定,這個決定將影響她和Goode的友誼。而Ellison則發現自己快要知道事情的真相……

(Pearl) 新未來戰士CH03 2008 10 06 [DivX].torrent
(Pearl) 新未來戰士CH03 2008 10 06 [DivX].torrent
(Pearl) 新未來戰士CH03 2008 10 06 [DivX].torrent
