
[自seed] (Pearl) Monk神探阿蒙 (VI) CH05 2008-10-15 (英/粵)[ 繁中][DivX]

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(Pearl) Monk神探阿蒙 (VI) CH05 2008-10-15 (英/粵)[ 繁中][DivX]

[自seed] (Pearl) Monk神探阿蒙 (VI) CH05 2008-10-15 (英/粵)[ 繁中][DivX]

原創 Paul (Camilloli) 師兄

【檔案大小】 : 249 MB
【影片格式】 : DivX
【發音語言】 : 粵語 / 英語
【字幕語言】 : 中文字幕
【格      式】 : 640 x 480

Picture link

15 Oct 2008        Mr. Monk and the Birds and the Bees

Late at night in San Francisco, a burglar carefully wipes his feet before breaking into a house. The man of the house, a sports agent named Rob Sherman, greets the burglar. The burglar is there as part of an insurance scam the two men concocted together. The burglar would “steal” some expensive sports memorabilia from the house and the two men would split the insurance money later. But Sherman has a bigger plan and surprises the burglar by pulling out two guns. Sherman shoots the burglar with one gun and when Sherman's wife comes downstairs, he shoots her with the other gun! Sherman then calmly arranges the scene before calling 911.

The next morning, Monk and Natalie join Stottlemeyer and Disher at the house to investigate. Rob Sherman tells his story. He was in bed. His wife woke up and went downstairs to adjust the thermostat. He heard a gunshot. He grabbed his gun and went downstairs where he found the burglar, whom he’d never seen before and his dead wife. He shot and killed the burglar in selfdefense.
It seems like a routine case, but for Monk, things don't add up...

運動代理Rob Sherman與賊人合謀,欲騙取保險金。他們計劃由賊人從Rob的房子中盜取既昂貴,又值得紀念的運動物品,及後便可向保險公司索取巨額賠償。可是,另 有深謀遠慮的Rob不但在行動時槍殺賊人,更用另一支槍射殺自己的妻子嫁禍給賊人,最後更假裝震驚地報案。阿蒙能否將案情查個水落石出?另一方面, Natalie因為干涉女兒的感情生活而起爭執,正所謂清官難審家庭事,阿蒙能否協助Natalie的女兒處理她的感情事?

(Pearl) 神探阿蒙 (VI) CH05 2008 10 15 [DivX].torrent
(Pearl) 神探阿蒙 (VI) CH05 2008 10 15 [DivX].torrent
(Pearl) 神探阿蒙 (VI) CH05 2008 10 15 [DivX].torrent
