
Miss Yan日記 (p.33有新故事--高級程度會考監考篇)

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Thanks for your sharing. Very very good. It is not boring since I read many times. :smile_38:

Really waiting for your next post ga. :smile_22:

[ 本帖最後由 用戶99 於 2008-1-2 05:03 PM 編輯 ]

Thanks for sharing again. Again, waiting for your next post. :smile_22:

applesit1210, you can post your lovely story to apple daily or oriental daily to earn money. :smile_38:  :smile_30:

applesit1210, waiting for your next post ga. Be quick, please.     

回覆 #223 applesit1210 的帖子

Support You. :smile_38:

applesit1210, I will support you ga. :smile_38:

applesit1210, keep going ah.

Applesit1210, your story is really charming. I like it very much.

Meanwhile, I am waiting for your story. :smile_38:

Work hard & Take Care.
