
May & Chochet - 多情薄倖男 Chochet 的“北越沉船" (1,2,3)

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Bro Chochet is such a 細心 and 浪漫 person it's not hard to see why May would fall for him!  Very touching and romantic true life story. Like Bro Chochet, I also have a short marriage due to a tragic incident.


I can echo his feelings:


This is so so so so true!



其中只有 "" 當中才能領略得到那手抱美人的自豪感和雙方都預備著隨時都會幻滅的如夢似真之獨有的 "珍惜的愛"離別前相聚之 "每分每秒" 難捨難離的獨有感覺和 "小別勝新婚" 般獨特情趣,但要承受著內心矛盾,內疚和忌妒。這些煎熬並非過來人可以領會到。當中所嚐透的酸甜苦辣鹹,真的是不足為外人道也,絕非只有一般 EQ 的人能承受得起。"

All I can say is Amen and I can use a big hug from all those brothers who share the same feelings as Chochet.

I just want to add, the pain and suffering we are going through is nothing compare to what
囡囡 has to go through.  Sure..it's their choice and no one is forcing them.  It's one reason why I would treasure my relationship with my 囡囡 and do the best to make her happy.

原帖由 Sawatdee 於 2007-8-11 04:51 PM 發表


Isn't this the worst nightmare to be the temporary choice? I myself is asking the same question and I believe this choice is still better than no choice!

I am really 泥足深陷...
