
Late Breaking News!! - 京之舞孃 - OCTOBER show news

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Late Breaking News!! - 京之舞孃 - OCTOBER show news

Late breaking news! I have got confirmation of the 6 dancers for October Rockza Show!

1. 相崎琴音- Kotone Aizaki
2. 篠原リョウ (Ryo Shinohara)
3. 仙葉由季 Yuki Senba
4. 成瀨美穗 Miho Naruse
5. かんな Kanna
6. 小野今日子 Kyoko Ono

Can some C-hing tell me how I can insert photos inline (insert photo requires a URL but I just want to image from my harddisk to go inline here.


[ 本帖最後由 tux1 於 2008-9-29 12:01 AM 編輯 ]

原帖由 GwingGwing 於 2008-9-29 12:14 PM 發表 查看引用來源
C-hing, I guess you should open a new post for the casting news with the subject like "京之舞孃 - OCTOBER show casting confirmed" or something like that to draw more C-hings' attention
Good Idea (I was just lazy). Will do so later today or tomorrow.
