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講開又講, 我以前成日玩車震............個feel幾刺激

樓主可能訓左, anyway,  我都去訓囉..............

聽日再同大家吹過, 或者講下我gf個housemate既野, 因為我gf話佢都好淫/姣下..........


you haven't answered what I asked you last night yet..........

回覆 #218 EdenAngela 的帖子

oh..........just after looking at your pictures.........just curious to know what is you size/cup

just wanna know as a comparison purpose.........if you don't mind to tell me

回覆 #222 EdenAngela 的帖子

ok...........anyway.........back to topic

I can't type chinese now, as I am not at home..........

haven you tried "in car" I always do that back in many years ago...........feels very excited

usually we like to park the car in quiet places like parks and some shopping centres at night

原帖由 EdenAngela 於 2008-5-3 12:59 PM 發表

where do u go often?

最last一次係近馬灣一個停車處做既, 不過我對車上做既興趣麻麻
oh, I don't live in HK, I live in Australia.......

anyway, in Aus, is very hard to go and do in wild places, as too many insects and possibly snakes.......

the reason why we couldn't do it at home is that out parents/family is there, and we got no $$$ in the old days to book a hotel room.

and now with my current gf, since she owns her old home, so its no need to do it "in car" anymore

but sometimes we like to go to parks at night, and I will strip off her cloths and bra and just playing there

回覆 #236 EdenAngela 的帖子

oh, I come to Australia from HK since I was 10 years old...........

and in Western Australia, there is an Island which is around 30 minutes boat trip to go, every end of year the high school graduates will go there to camp and get drunk.........I know a lot of my Aus friend had been having a "wild war" in that place in the old days

anyway, right now there is now a nice park near the river and its very quiet at night, I go take some pictures and show everyone and may try having a "wild war" there 1 night

原帖由 EdenAngela 於 2008-5-3 01:29 PM 發表

hahaha...............as my friend calls me that name (from the picture)

today there is a new neighbour moving into my gf's next door, the old neighbour are a very young couple.........when they make love, we can hear it so clearly, as they scream so loud.........and sometimes they do it 3 times a day, regardless of moring afternoon or night........now finally can have a quiet and peaceful life

Okay.............tonight I will be going to a park by the river, but I don't think we will do anything, as its almost winter now, night temperature is less than 10 degree...........

let me take some photo shot and let you people determine whether its a good place to have a "wild war"

尋晚因為有事故, 所以無去映湖邊既相, 呢度俾住另外一幅:

呢度係離西澳市區個零鐘頭既一個club, 有海灘, 樹林.......等

對住個印度洋, 肯定好free..........不過夏天都會幾凍下
