
[原創作品] 由青梅竹馬開始 (已結局,第127-133話 6月19日更新 見第102頁)

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I have spent about two hour to see your previous store 十年後的舊情復熾. This is also very good. But it seems that this one 琪 n 勤 are 引人入性

原帖由 taoyuen 於 2019-9-1 09:29 PM 發表 查看引用來源

both are very good, but different feeling

This is good good, keep update

good good good

原帖由 taoyuen 於 2020-5-19 17:00 發表 查看引用來源
第110話 I Phone

雖然林軍的陽具不在琪琪陰道內,但這場景亦讓琪琪極度亢奮,與高潮沒有太大分別。琪琪的腳難免沾到了林軍射出來的精液。已進入了忘我境界的她用腳掃林軍的胸膛,讓對方的精液回到林軍身上。之後她將林軍 ...
琪琪 has boy friend, there is no reason why she will treat 林軍 in such way, it is not reasonable, this part of the shortfall of whole story, all other part can make people having fun.

回覆 482# taoyuen 的帖子

million thanks
