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原帖由 star_platina 於 29-4-2021 09:45 發表 查看引用來源
Cassy II

食完個迎新飯,阿星一於好少理,同項目經理兩條友去整返支飯後煙先。阿Cassy見阿星兩條麻甩唔直接返上公司,就好奇地問阿星去邊,阿星冇出聲,只喺褲袋入面攞咗包煙出嚟喺銷售經理面前揚一揚示意,佢跟住哦咗一聲,粒聲 ...
looking forward to your next update! she must have been a good lay

原帖由 star_platina 於 2-5-2021 14:28 發表 查看引用來源

Cassy VII

嚴格嚟講,係Cassy個頭,佢打開咗個咀,接住阿星因為好急而冇辦法停止嘅尿。啲尿一路由佢個口滿瀉出嚟,經過佢下爬一路流到35F,再令到原本已經單薄嘅白恤衫變得更加透明,如果阿星唔係疴 ...
this type of woman is a lot of fun, but could also be trouble is u cannot "manage" her. lol
she should have given u lots of enjoyable memories!
tell us about the real action! looking forward!

原帖由 star_platina 於 2-5-2021 18:23 發表 查看引用來源

Aye mate! She's a handful for Ah Singh for sure. This type of girls are the kind of dare devil and they love to be straight forward in their love life. Lovely girl she is, we are still in touch even ...
Hahaha I’m sure you want more than a coffee n tea with her 😏 a friendly poke never hurt 🤓
I want her hear the adventures she brought to you lol! More details!

原帖由 star_platina 於 3-5-2021 11:47 發表 查看引用來源

Yes, yes, she did share some of her recent life with her husband and told Ah Singh that she found what she wants, which is something that she worked so hard to look for in those years, bless her for ...
agree with you 100%. i have a "friend" back in uni days.... we decided to never to be together, but have that special thing between us for the rest of our lives. even now we are all married with kids. having her company and seeing her happy is enough.

原帖由 star_platina 於 3-5-2021 17:58 發表 查看引用來源

Well, so you know very well how it works. Keep it as what it is and let their happy life goes smoothly as much as possible is the best way to show our love towards them.😬
yes. too much contact or being together may ruin the special thing. lol isn't it so ironic?
the experience, the feeling is more than what can be described with words. lol
ur stories remind me of my wild experiences lol

原帖由 star_platina 於 5-5-2021 09:28 發表 查看引用來源

Cassy XII

尋晚因為Cassy太醉揸唔到車,要阿星送佢返屋企,阿星都已經識路,公司去佢屋企都係三十分鐘前後,而由佢屋企返阿星度都只係四十五分鐘左右,唔算太耐。Cassy揸住佢部TT,迫爆短裙長腿美女開蓬跑 ...
your stories always take an interesting turn.Just curious, where did u take your hypnosis course? i'm interested in self hypnosis for stress and anxiety relief.

原帖由 star_platina 於 5-5-2021 12:55 發表 查看引用來源

Cassy XIII

呢個週末都尚算過得平靜,雖然上星期俾Cassy搞亂咗阿星嘅步調,但總算力保不失,阿星今日仍然係處男,啲人成日話未入都唔算㗎嘛,唔係咩?星期一返工,阿星當然係喺辦公室做嘢啦,而且都 ...
厲害,果然係高手。i had an ex many yrs ago. similar experience. after dinner ...same story except she reached multiple climaxes in the car. when we got home she said she was too tired n no longer horny...left me dry that night. LOL the next morning i gave her everything plus interest of course lol

回覆 328# star_platina 的帖子

after 6 times the night before... u should be shooting water if u r lucky lol anyhow, looking froward to the story lol

回覆 340# star_platina 的帖子

i am looking forward to a piece where you tell us they tied u up the same way elly was tied
perhaps even edging & orgasm control session lol now that is real torture

回覆 352# star_platina 的帖子

no update today? dont go on holiday wor!
