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回覆 421# star_platina 的帖子

elly and ms tang should exchange toys for the next class lol

回覆 437# star_platina 的帖子

星哥,來個sunday night update 好無?

回覆 452# star_platina 的帖子

u did this in the front or back of your car. give us a description of your car... will help visualize. LOL

回覆 458# star_platina 的帖子

ah now it all makes sense. was having trouble visualizing.

long time ago i had a mitsu eclipse. it was so hard to do anyhting in there without hitting something lol

回覆 492# star_platina 的帖子

you still have not told us what cassy said to 氹返elly. i am sure the sandwich and tea was not the only fix required.
I am also sure cassy made u 氹佢... plz share details.

原帖由 star_platina 於 26-5-2021 10:57 發表 查看引用來源

Haha let's not dwell into the details of what Ah Singh did to 氹番 Elly and the cost of how to 氹 Cassy, those were very costly in both time and love as well as money. But it was worthy to do so as  ...
HAHAHA the details is the juicy part! the entertainment is not always the sex portion, but also how you got there. LOL it's ok if u dont want to say. i assure you, i've also been there done that... that's y i am so interested. you are right, i would almost do anything for my girls.

原帖由 star_platina 於 26-5-2021 11:15 發表 查看引用來源

True isn't it? Ah Singh would do anything to make them smile, even if it costs Ah Singh an arm and a leg.

Their smile are more important in many aspects, keeps you going on for as much as possible ...
as they say in chinese 爲博紅顔一笑,甘願做牛做馬 lol

have you noticed that as we get older, the mental satisfaction is just as, if not more important than sex. not saying I dont enjoy sex, but the mental connection and the ability to see your partner's satisfaction provides a different level of happiness....lol

回覆 565# star_platina 的帖子

Cassy is too friendly with Ms Tang.
Cassy will feel her out....Once they get aligned they will be shooting your star lol

回覆 570# star_platina 的帖子

she's bi huh? that is one type i've never tried. what's the difference? mentally speaking

回覆 592# star_platina 的帖子

情緒有啲問題你都用? 那麽不就是抱著個炸彈工作?
