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回覆 599# star_platina 的帖子

since u can show us partial pics of louise, how about pics of the other 3 girls?

回覆 611# star_platina 的帖子

oh no i missed all the pictures

回覆 664# star_platina 的帖子

can i request for cassy's pic? plz i missed it the last two times lol

回覆 667# star_platina 的帖子

anything is better than nothing HAAHHAHA

回覆 673# star_platina 的帖子

time is up! i will take a covered pic of cassy. i'm interested in her body lol

回覆 678# star_platina 的帖子

louise is a bit chubbier than i imagined. not that it's destroying my imagination...just realigning lol
can chance of seeing cassy?

回覆 680# star_platina 的帖子

of course, if she doesnt like it, we have to respect her.
just want to admire the body n the girl that u like so much lol hahaha

回覆 680# star_platina 的帖子

of course, if she doesnt like it, we have to respect her.
just want to admire the body n the girl that u like so much lol hahaha

回覆 708# star_platina 的帖子

interesting piece. i think when Louise releases that inner energy/pressure, u could be up for big big surprises.

回覆 722# star_platina 的帖子

i'm glad i got a glimpse of Miss Tang today. lol i wonder how many other c-hings caught that pic
