
我的墮落故事 (May 25 2016 更新, p 185,#2766)

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原帖由 辣媽人妻 於 2013-1-7 08:29 AM 發表 查看引用來源

you are LCBO....too easy to get me drunk and do whatever you want.... (people in ON will understand).
Although I am LCBO but I would not use any product to get my partner to get drunk, I will only use my technique to make them drunk in sex with me. Want to try Sexy mom?

辣媽,大家是想看妳的相,不是some blond chick.

原帖由 辣媽人妻 於 2013-1-10 02:20 PM 發表 查看引用來源

I am in the picture.....
The lady which is dRinking something at the back is you?

辣媽人妻,welcome back. I will support you keep writing more. I think you will be more sexy and pretty then the women in that pic. Want to come out for a date if your 老公 gone?

原帖由 辣媽人妻 於 2013-1-20 02:34 PM 發表 查看引用來源
給周總和亞勇白玩了一趟,到第二天回家想起來覺得自己真喺犯賤,好好一個良家婦女送上門俾人糟蹋,越想就越後悔,到見到老公仔仔去完滑雪回來,我便收拾心情專心相夫教子,而亦是在這時老公說不如生多一個,我 ...

原帖由 1755 於 2013-1-22 05:22 PM 發表 查看引用來源
I was in LLBO
Without LLBO, LCBO can't sell it. haha
I think is the reverse, Without LCBO there will not be any LLBO because all LLBO has to get permit from LCBO to sell beer or wine.

原帖由 辣媽人妻 於 2013-1-24 06:07 AM 發表 查看引用來源
自從周總個次我梳處了解亞寶,因我冇乜朋友,便同送緊陰膏俾我那個SPA老闆娘師奶老友起來。女人同女人好多時乜都講,而我就同佢 講過生仔計劃。只喺我諗唔到華叔竟然同佢都有路,老闆娘將我想生仔嘅事傳 ...
Good story, waiting for your second part to come out. I really enjoy to read your story, also i really want to see your picture too. Want to know you more in real world.

sexy mom i think you better go to buy some after pill, otherwise if any happen then your family will be destroy.

原帖由 辣媽人妻 於 2013-1-26 01:46 PM 發表 查看引用來源

我 :「呀,好衰㗎,攪到人咁high 重來⋯⋯」

我只能稍作休息,便感覺 ...
i will support, btw i think you have to deal with this wai suk asap otherwise he will come to you whenever he want to have sex have you.

原帖由 辣媽人妻 於 2013-1-27 11:03 AM 發表 查看引用來源

At this moment I have mixed feeling on Uncle Wah. Maybe because he was the first one other than my hubby to bang me; or maybe he spend a lot of time to lead/trick me into submitting to him; or j ...
I know may be Uncle Wah is leading you to submitting with him, but the most important is don't let this things destroy your family. Sometime a little bit of fun is excited but just don't be addicted to this.
