
May & Chochet - 多情薄倖男 Chochet 的“北越沉船" (1,2,3)

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every brother had read this true story, also had the sickboat expereince with Macau gls...I believed that without strong finance to support, it's impossible to have long term relationship with Macau gls.  All was about money, just imagin if brothers don't have Chochet's good looking with well educate background and strong finance to support, i think no macau gls would consider to develope long term realationship with you.  It is very realastic world for them, the purpose was very obviously, earn money.  If lucky, may be can find one who are really rich can support their life in future.  They may quite this industry.
Anyway, I was really inspired by readING this very touching story....

Thanks  Chochet, Hope you can find true love again...hope that  love who not working in this industry anymore....i didnt mean anything and look down MC or Sauana gls.

can't wait for final part of real touching story:smile_38:

回覆 #216 Lorijin 的帖子

Lorijin hing, is possible to send both of their pictures to me have look, i won't spread it out.  Just very
curosity how they look like....must be very outstanding and gorgeous.

原帖由 lwp 於 2007-11-25 01:11 PM 發表

Chochet數天前給我電郵,說他在首爾的 Project要延期。希望他能抽點空暇為我們完成《北越沈船4》。
I have been waiting for so long, but don't have choice becuase Chochet are busy to work.  No choice just be patient:smile_13:
