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原帖由 star_platina 於 2022-8-20 00:57 發表 查看引用來源

Thank you C-Hing for your new story.  Looking forward to the upcomimg episodes.

C-Hing... Thank you again for the new episodes. I am a die hard fan of this story.  Should have left more replies.…anyway,  Grace is my cup of tea for sure.  Girls with short hair are attractive, no doubt about it.  Looking forward to the new episode
BTW....I had a former colleague looks very much like this short hair girl.  A Berkeley graduate Taiwanese girl with super fair skin, beautiful lady with a brain, simply attractive!
原帖由 star_platina 於 2022-11-21 11:00 發表 查看引用來源出多一話,講埋落去。

那些年,星星同學會 第26話

當年太空戰士系列吸引唔少青少年,阿星同Grace都唔例外。佢嘅反應嚟得異常之慢,等咗好耐,都冇聲,仲諗住個電話壞咗,正想收線嘅時候,佢先答我:「最近冇玩。」 真係好怕沉默再度 ...
[ 本帖最後由 Lucky1530 於 2022-11-21 14:19 編輯 ]

You are very welcome.  Glad that someone like you around indeed!  Your stories are fun to read and your replies are full of humor.  
I believe there are facts and experience in your story for sure, whether it is 80% facts or 30% facts doesn’t really matter as long as it is a good story, right?
Totally agree with the short-hair girl comment; I believe it takes courage to cut the hair so short especially for a young lady; if it is not because of her character, I don’t know what that is.
Being call a dummy by a girl is cute indeed; this means you still have that innocence, and yet to be contemplated by the worldly things.  Of course, when a girl / woman likes you, she can call you whatever name and you are fine with it.  
Now I am very interested in how your story with Grace and Joyce pan out.  It seems like you were very much into Joyce and Grace were into you.  Did they fight with each other for you or did Joyce leave you coz she wanted her little sister to have you?  Well I guess a more important question is did Grace lost her virginity to you? Haha…..Looking forward to the new episodes.
原帖由 star_platina 於 2022-11-21 17:47 發表 查看引用來源

Haha, thanks for your compliments, glad that someone like you are around. There is not many people feedback on the story since not many visitors around, plus many of them do not like my stories. Wel ...

啊Star C-Hing....Grace 真心係正! 佢同相中人有幾分似?
根據你嘅描述,Grace應該比家姐思想簡單D,無咁複雜,Joyce明明like你但又要用另類方法去表達佢嘅情感。雖然打者愛也但都唔係動不動就醒你兩嘢。太複雜嘅女真係唔識點去handle. 等你下集Update.  Cheers!
原帖由 star_platina 於 2023-2-20 18:58 發表 查看引用來源

那些年,星星同學會 第78話

阿星拖住Grace入廁所,然後就擰轉頭等佢完事,尋日有過一次,今日即刻係第二次,兩次嘅心情有啲唔一樣。尋日係阿星被逼要帶佢返嚟瞓,今次係阿星同佢一齊入屋食宵夜再一齊上 ...
[ 本帖最後由 Lucky1530 於 2023-2-21 01:57 編輯 ]

