
《有情還似無情 - 我和囡囡眼中的風月大觀園》全文完

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原帖由 乘客A 於 2008-1-10 02:32 PM 發表

大陸要有黑市既精神病院點會無呢…?我囡囡就係因為我在三思後,我無去幫佢,所以成個人憔悴晒,落街買野時無睇車,差d俾車撞到…嚇到佢傻左,公安以為佢有精神病,所以唔知點解就俾人捉左去病院住左一個月 ...
I don't want to offense anyone...but what happened to the gal is really like a TV Drama...

原帖由 dzdz 於 2008-1-15 12:40 PM 發表
I have been with a girl for 4-5 months...

feel a bit so hard...
'cos I still cannot fully trust her... even she seems alright...

She was quit her job..
and like never asked me for money.. ...
Be together for just 4-5 months & get married......why not to live together 1st for a while & re-confirm if she is your better-half for life.

原帖由 dzdz 於 2008-1-16 10:24 AM 發表

I think so...

I think better like ... one year...

After be with her ... sometimes think she is not my "better-half for life"...

but she quit her job for me...
not as ...
My point is 4-6 month is not enough to decide a marriage, but if you really want to take care with her since she quitted her job for you, why not live together, but not married yet.  There is GREAT difference between "liviing together" & "get married".  Married means commitment & responsibility to her.  "Liviing together" gives you more time to better understand her since she comes out from such a complicated working environment......

For worst consideration, once you got married, it is difficult to draw back when there is $$$ conflict or you find her everything is fake to you......
