
請問各位高人有無好書教 show hand?

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原帖由 darylsing 於 2008-1-23 12:51 AM 發表

I am not the 高人, Ibreaku is. I am not good at english too but nth I can choose in Canada, actually I am lazy to read book. easy to learn is play more and watch video. therefore 6 years poke ...
yes...agree with you...
play more is better than reading books...
i play online poker and watch videos at the same time..
and i found it helps...
and of coz have to play a lot...
last yr i play 6 hrs each day online on average...i found i improved a lot..
but gonna focus on my future work and play less this year
my advice is to watch how pros play and copy some of their play into ur own play...
of coz u need to develop ur style as well..
and last advice is....dont treat the money as money..
treat it as playing chip..
u will found urself playing a lot better:097:
