
[轉帖] 我是航空管制官3 - 香港啟德國際機場 + 關卡編輯器

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THis game is play about how to manage the aiport (HK)just as command the plan to take off and land the airplane but there is many game point I can't tel and you should try the game to have fun enjoy the game

原帖由 mfysing999 於 2009-3-5 01:53 PM 發表 查看引用來源
有冇師兄可以教下點玩T.T 唔識日文唔知D制做乜 =.="" 萬分感激....身為香港人真係好想享受下呢隻game~!!!!
First there is three part of this game departure ,arrive ,and change poistion of the fright

If you were afirst play this game and still have question pls play the training first !! (the button of the first page right hand side no 2or 3) that have a clear detail of departure and arrive of the plane  this game to tell you how to play the game

there is follow step of departure :
The game play as a control the plane take off and land without any accicent and need right command to the plane in the time limited and get the enought (right action will have point)

The button wll have foolowing meaning

1.agree depature then
2.coose runway for take off(runway 13 short (s) and Long (L) 36 s and 36L ),
3.choose the route for the plane to go to the runway you choose
4.press wii to catanct tower ,
5.takeoff approve ,
6.contanct dep
7.tell the poliot the plane is out the the HK area .

there is follow step of arrive
1.choose runway (eg runway 36)
2.tell the plane to turn vector and wait for futher advise
3.cancel waiting and matain xxxxxm
4.Runway approve (the tower will tell the airplane to land in runway36)
5.landing approve or Go around
6.choose the plot the plane to park

there is follow step of change plot of the plane
1.allow the plane to move or tell the plane to wait

[ 本帖最後由 poon486 於 2009-3-8 04:16 PM 編輯 ]
