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[quote]原帖由 [i]thomasis[/i] 於 2006-6-29 11:23 PM 發表
心律不正的馬可以復元機會向來只有一半,所以我對「爪皇凌雨」的前途只抱①H還嫌獎金不夠多?「爪皇凌雨」及「精英大師」的馬主們,你們為何硬要一代馬王跑輸、跑壞方 ... [/quote]

you're right!
One of my relatives is a owner. His horse only have bad performance(now 3x points). However his whole family always visits the horse and bring candy to him. They love him so much no matter he is not a KING!
But the famous (only because of his horse) only want to get face and send the horse to race again and again... Just want to win once again and proof that his losses is just because of his health and of the ability...
