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我有時講野係過左火位, 有咩得罪唔好意思

自問玩左 texas holdem 好耐, 有咩問題即管提出來, 我會儘量回答

feel258 i used to play 5/10 no limit, then cashed out some to pay school fee. now im playing small limit (fixed 3/6), leaving most of my bankroll on sportsbetting scalping and middling stuff + bonus chasing, so more like trading~)

horrible swing at 5/10 NL. 3k gone in one night, then made come back in a week. (贏得慢輸得快)

你地所講既運氣係 variance.

如果o係講 limit holdem full ring, 玩得細 ($5/10 and below)既時候大家要俾d耐性等好牌, 玩得進取d, 搵魚仔同你玩, 咁就多數贏架啦, 玩玩下就會識讀牌, 當自己贏到咁上下, 例如 $3,000 at 5/10 就可以試下下個 level (10/20), 每個 limit 都會有d新既野俾到你, 唔好 jump 得咁快, play within your bankroll ( typically 350 big bets at a particular limit to withstand the swing- in full ring. 我最大玩過 limit holdem $75/150 :0

no limit 係需要唔同既 skill, 主要係想trap 住人地, 要諗下點樣 setup 人地先會落答, 你raise 大多冇人會跟啦係咪, 係要用一種heart muscle 去玩既 game, 唔講求 pushing small edges, aggression is the key, 玩呢隻唔會成日見到 showdown.

除左 pot odds, implied odds is an important concept too. 有時 pot odds 叫你 fold, 但你可以諗下自己有幾多 outs 黎決定跟唔跟, 有時對住弱d既 weak tight 可以setup 一個 bluff, 例如 check raise the turn when certain card comes. sometimes u need to fold early though, money saved is money earned

play good cards, play aggressive, read your opponent, table selection, + rakeback if possible haha xDD- several key points to win.

I usually play 6 max (short handed) or heads up now, cos i play more hands that way, the more decisions  I make the more $ I make Those games require a little bit different approach to beat, and the variance is higher. but games are still good.

[ 本帖最後由 football1233 於 2006-9-1 06:48 AM 編輯 ]

ah haha i don't think there are too many high rollers in the uni lol

but i duno who u are wor.... ... .. .. ... ... uk uni? can only remember one guy who plays 2/4 NL in uk.. who works in jp morgan chase now. claude is the other name comes to mind... ah maybe ronald haha.. but a 2/4 NLer didnt ring any bells in my mind.

I think limit and no limit are two different games which require different set of skills. It's not like one requires more skill than the other, and only few pros can master both form of poker.

in liimit Holdem yes they can always call for one bet and hit their miracle card, the skill is to lose the least when you have the loser and win max when you have the winner.

a) & c) i disagree no limit holdem has more value than limit holdem. I think u need different set of skill to master each type of holdem.
b) well since wsop main event is played with no limit holdem, of course it's more popular for new comers la (especially after moneymake won it in 2003)

成日打英文添... 我好似真係愈黎愈高調... lol// 驚俾察人拉..

pm 你先... msn talk

oh.. uk > hk...



Well, where do I start, literally I disagree with everything you wrote. Too tired to argue, thanks for the kind words but you need not to worry about me.
