
27/06/2007 , 星期三 , 跑馬地 (Post #355)

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27/05/2007 , 星期日 , 沙田心水 (Post #311)

第1場 - 10  真如意  + 5  好奇妙 + 1 確係叻 + 4  財昇旺
第2場 - 2  名店之星 + 5  葵扇煙 + 3  威霸龍 + 1  凱旋駿驥   
第3場 - 5  國士無雙 + 13  常山鎮寶 + 11  得運小子 + 2  利之寶   
第4場 - 3  至上 + 8  馬中神駒  + 1  牛精富星 + 10  超勁精神   
第5場 -  8  好犀利 +  9 勇敢 + 11  精圖 + 14  願望泉
第6場 - 12  沙田威威 + 9  駿馬大師 + 2  大師傅 + 7  再度豪情
第7場 - 4  飛快贏 + 3  好運贏家 + 6  馬友寶 + 2  甜在心頭  
第8場 -  6  好有勝 + 8  嘉駿寶 + 9  原小子 + 1  好聲氣
第9場 - 4  搏得威 + 10  一號種籽 + 7  獲利多 + 8  帝聖龍駒
第10場 - 2  夢幻飛駒 + 14  加得勁 + 1  再領風騷 + 3  跋扈飛揚
第11場 - 2  得運寶 + 10  綠色駿達 + 11  心歡暢 + 9  有聲有色

WHY 第4場 - 3  至上
This horse has the best potential in the group, and Danny Shum has quite a success in trophy race.  See if Eric St-Martin can control this horse in a much better way than Howard Cheng.

WHY 第9場 - 4  搏得威
At the end, "Whatabob" is a top of class 2 horses... with a pretty weak class 2 opponents this time, chance is likely to win this race.

WHY 第11場 - 2  得運寶
Much better preparation this time and the horse starts to show some signs of comeback too in 1200m race last time.  The current rating level and class are already suitable for this horse to climb back and perhaps get a win before retired.

WHY NOT 第9場 - 6  零用錢
"Pocket Money" was never succesful when Whyte was on board.  Also it has used pretty much last race in a record-breaking fashion.  Understand that Whyte is going for the jockey champion however I believe this horse will not help him (or you cannot help this horse to be the truth)

WHY NOT 第7場 - 1 悉尼新聞
"Sydney Express" never rode on the All-weather track.  Although a class dropped from last time, I didn't see any advantage for this horse to against many horses here used to race in the All-weather track.  It also shows that 1800m was too long for this horse last item out in Happy Valley.  Not confidence at all this horse will have a good race here.

Good luck

入黎捧你場先...:036:  火車仔有幾場同路喎..:097:

原帖由 aanunes 於 2007-5-26 03:11 PM 發表
入黎捧你場先...:036:  火車仔有幾場同路喎..:097:
that's good, which races? :071:

原帖由 princessnqueen 於 2007-5-26 04:05 PM 發表

that's good, which races? :071:
r1 ,r2 & r8..:036:

原帖由 aanunes 於 2007-5-26 04:10 PM 發表

r1 ,r2 & r8..:036:
Race 2 and Race 8 should be the good ones...


原帖由 princessnqueen 於 2007-5-26 04:26 PM 發表

Race 2 and Race 8 should be the good ones...


Not a good day yesterday due to the poor track... :026:

Good luck in the next race meeting :041:

27/05/2007 , 星期日 , 沙田心水 (Post #318)

27/05/2007 , 星期日 , 沙田心水 (Post #318)

第1場 - 2  伯峻寶 + 4  開心假日 + 3  歡笑星 + 5  星際雄師  
第2場 - 6  好彩數 + 7  真係贏 + 4  靚花紋 + 12  百威力   
第3場 - 7  新勝威 +  10  嘯傲天河 + 2  快上快 + 3  賽馬精神
第4場 - 4  多樂寶 + 7  真心馬主 + 5  旅英名駒 + 3  喜寶精神   
第5場 -  8  神龍金剛 + 1  巧奪天工 + 5  御名燈 + 4  愛的世界
第6場 - 2  權勇駿 + 3  草原奔騰 + 5  即時燦爛 + 12  神劍金剛  
第7場 - 3  酒勝 + 1  幸運派彩 + 10  老少雙雄 + 9  靚得精彩
第8場 -  12  叫關領 + 2  衝鋒槍 + 4  有聲氣 + 7  太陽威力

WHY 第8場 - 12  叫關領

First of all, gate 2 is a big factor here as well as only 115lb.  Another reason is that its main opponent 衝鋒槍 will be limited by him as he can freely control the pace of the race.  (There are no horses will lead the race other than 叫關領)  I think there'll be still improvement on this horse also I hope this horse can win 1 race or 2 before this season ends.

Why not 第1場 - 1  新石磨藍

This horse only has 800m stamina... Gate 10 in Happy Valley will be trouble for him if he's not able to get out in front before the turn.  Not quite reliable here.

Good luck

原帖由 princessnqueen 於 2007-5-29 14:35 發表
27/05/2007 , 星期日 , 沙田心水 (Post #318)

第1場 - 2  伯峻寶 + 4  開心假日 + 3  歡笑星 + 5  星際雄師  
第2場 - 6  好彩數 + 7  真係贏 + 4  靚花紋 + 12  百威力   
第3場 - 7  新勝威 +  10  嘯傲 ...
師兄! 點解唔係30/05/2007 週三??

我都有揀尾場12. 叫關領 今次形勢好有幫助, 配腳馬都一樣, 大家贏多D啦!:041:
