
[德國] Out of control ... $2000- order placed on FRI

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奧格斯堡 對 格雷特霍夫

I guess it is 奧格斯堡  -------  主主

According to HKJC odds 主主 ---客客----和和 same odds, but 奧格斯堡 no matter in Home or Away, this team always goal first and its performance is more stable. 格雷特霍夫 performance depends on which competitive team ...  Goal could be High , maybe Low .........

原帖由 smronald 於 2006-10-12 19:48 發表
星期五d 波未睇....樓主好有信心??
litte bit....

Another view....from bit rate...

If 主 have 1.7 --- 1.6 rate, it mean really high potential to win. The result sometime have 2:0 or 2:1

SO I placed 入球大


I think so ...   it could be high  and I wish you can win

原帖由 icycow 於 2006-10-12 20:00 發表
According to HKJC odds 主主 ---客客----和和 same odds, but 奧格斯堡 no matter in Home or Away, this team always goal first and its performance is more stable. 格雷特霍夫 performance depends on whic ...
I agree.....

On the past, if the game have  格雷特霍夫.... ...always have more goals ( 入球大 )

But just from rate.... so select third session....

below is my 入球大細 on friday..

星期五 1  奧格斯堡 對 格雷特霍夫  -- 入球細
星期五 2  布倫瑞克 對 1860慕尼黑  -- 入球細
星期五 3  杜伊斯堡 對 弗賴堡  -- 入球大

做咩 杜伊斯堡 對 弗賴堡一定會係大既??我想知?.?

原帖由 袋少 於 2006-10-12 20:48 發表
做咩 杜伊斯堡 對 弗賴堡一定會係大既??我想知?.?
NOT 一定.

But I bought it. If not 大, 我一定會大 what

如果大家全攻型, 好大機會開大, 若大家死守 , 就大 what la

原帖由 icycow 於 2006-10-12 21:22 發表
如果大家全攻型, 好大機會開大, 若大家死守 , 就大 what la
Yeah... I need win back my money.......$1600-
